Dissident Mama, episode 69 – Dr. E. Michael Jones

Dr. E Michael Jones, editor of Culture War Magazine, is a traditional Catholic, pro-life activist, author, lecturer, and speaker, and former professor of American Literature. You can buy his books at Fidelity Press, follow him on Twitter, Telegram, and Gab, watch his videos on Rumble, BitChute, Odyssee, GabTV, and Cozy.tv, and join the “EMJ Live” conversation every Friday at 5 p.m. EST on Telegram.

The learned Dr. Jones and I discuss words used as weapons, Americans’ “identity theft,” Judaism as an ideology, Hollywood’s degenerate influence, de-Christianizing the West and globohomo mission creep, the “holocaust industry,” abortion as a “fundamental Jewish value,” how the ADL is crying wolf, and why now is a “moment of opportunity” to be precise and forthright in our speech and assessments, not coy or cucked.

Download this podcast, watch on Odysee, GabTV, or YouTube, and listen here. 👇

A few additional links relevant to our conversation:

• Dr. Jones taking on fast-talking Ben Shapiro and his most recent essays “The Jewish Racket Known As the Right to Life Movement” and “How Dave Chappelle Turned Anti-Semitism into a Joke

• My series “Let’s see the forest for the trees,” my satirical essay “The NDAA is anti-Semitic” which aims to turn the weaponization of language on its head, my interview with Brother Augustine, and my Trad Forum blog post which includes a photo of Dr. Jones and me.

• Dennis Prager discussing what he says is the Jews’ leadership roles in the secularization of America and why Jews are on the left, info on anti-white pioneers Noel Ignatiev and Susan Sontag, and a stellar article on Volodymyr Zelenksy’s continued persecution of Orthodox Christians and the anti-Church violence is foments.

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    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Thanks, Byzantine. Being that I do on average only 2 podcast interviews a month, I knew talking to Dr Jones would happen eventually but that I just had to be patient. 🙂 My goal is to always seek the truth & increasing discourse & tackling taboo topics (smashing sacred cows, as it were) is a great way to do that. Anyhoo, thanks for listening and glad you liked the conversation, as well as my chat with James Perloff.

  1. christine schmael

    Christianity is Jewish.

    Anyone who denies the Lord Jesus Christ should not be termed a Jew.

    Furthermore, Roman Catholicism is not Christianity: It is kabbalah.

    The rabbis created RC as a Nohaide-compliant religion that would play the role of the “little horn of Daniel” of the Zohar. The “Virgin Mary” is their godess the Schechina.

    The Zohar states that “Edom” – i.e. the Christian West – must be spiritually destroyed before Moschiach can come. The Zohar states that the West must be brought to the 50th level of defilement. That is what Hollywood, pornography, materialsim, etc are really all about.

    Judaism is the little horn of Daniel.
    Judaism is the whore of Babylon.

    And the Christian West (the mighty and holy people of Daniel 8) were given into her hand for their rebellion against the Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. John D.

    Christine, just by chance, do you think the movies “The DaVinci Code ” and its follow up movie[s] portrays reality?
    Newsflash- the church of the Antichrist ain’t gonna be the RC c— look to the Fathers of Holy Orthodoxy for the answer…

  3. T. Morris

    Congratulations on landing this interview with Dr. Jones! Well done, madam. I’ve read several of his books, including “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit,” and “Libido Dominandi,” etc. Very informative, very insightful, and of course always very well researched all around, as you mentioned in the podcast.

    Concerning Dr. Jones’s commentary upon Spielberg’s movie (which I have seen, more than once), the main takeaway from the scene in question is not that water came out of the spickets instead of Zyklon B or whatever, but that somekind of killer gas emanating therefrom was what the naked women in the scene fully expected to be inflicted upon them, and that they fully expected to die by poison gas in that moment. Which of course is intended to tell us, the viewers, that gassing Jews to death upon arrival in German internment camps was well known to all to be a “fact of life” during that era, incinerating ovens, or the lack thereof, notwithstanding.

  4. Christine

    Somewhere in this talk you said Stalin was not Jewish but he was in fact his real name was Djugashivili which means son of Jew.In the Georgian language since you mention he was a Georgian ahi I’ll means jew.His three wives were all jewesses.He passed a law that if you were guilty of anti semitism the sentence was death. Also someone in your comments says Christianity is Jewish.It is not.The Old Testament and the New is all about Jesus Christ and he tells us this in scripture.I would tell you to read an article by Dr. Lorraine Day ,Good News About God that cleared up a lot of Bible misinterpretations There’s a new religion in town and it will deceive the whole world on that site.We are told of Jesus coming right in Genesis who will bruise Satans head.

  5. Benjamin

    Cross_posted here and Identity Dixie since I’m not sure you keep up with your older stuff that’s posted there.

    This was good. Definitely not anything new from my POV, but a good interview.

    My only complaint about EMJ is he says the J-word too much. Its like, yeah bro, we get it, they’re a group of people and have group interests– but normies get turned off when you constantly say that J-word.

    Like, if I’m talking about it with someone, I’ll bring up the “bankers”, “globalists”, and other dogwhistle words, and then chime in with someone like “…and a lot of them are Jewish” and leave it at that unless they press me for more J-angle type stuff.

    Like, when you go on EMJ’s twitter, literally the PINNED COMMENT is “its okay to talk about Jews”. If I were trying to get a more normie or right-wing Catholic to get into EMJ, and they looked up his twitter, that would be kind of awkward from my POV.

    Instead of “oh yeah, there’s this Trad Catholic guy, EMJ, who does some good stuff” and, if asked why he’s controversial, I could just reply “oh he said some things that certain Jewish people didn’t like”, that would be one thing. But when its LITERALLY the_first_thing_on_his_twitter_feed, it becomes a little harder to play that more subtle angle

    Right-wing people tend to be more truth-oriented, so they’ll just come out and say whatever they’re thinking… and the truth is good… but sometimes the truth needs to be mixed in with some less blatent things like mixing in a bitter medicine in with chocolate pudding

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