A lethal foundation

By Valerie Protopapas

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.
One word of truth outweighs the world.”
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

LIE   – an intentionally false statement
FALSE –  [1] not according with truth or fact; incorrect; [2] appearing to be the thing denoted; deliberately
made or meant to deceive;  [3] illusory; [4] treacherous
LETHAL –  sufficient to cause death
FOUNDATION –  [1] the lowest load-bearing part of a building; [2] an underlying basis or principle;  [3] the
action of establishing an institution or organization on a permanent basis
MATTHEW – 7:24-29 – The parable of the two builders: “The wise builder built his house on rock while the
foolish built his upon sand. When the storms came, the house built on rock stood firm against the winds and rain. It had a solid foundation. But the house built on sand collapsed as its shifting foundation was washed away.”

For any institution or edifice to stand, it must have a firm, continuing and sustainable foundation. Building
anything on a base lacking solid footing is a sure and true manifestation of insanity. Above are noted sufficient reasons to admit and understand that nothing can be “built” on a lie. It doesn’t matter whether what is being attempted is a personal relationship or a business or a nation or a Church – when the truth is absent, any attempt at creation will be a failure if not immediately than certainly in due course of time.

However, we must also understand that such “failures” are not uniform in their manifestations. Some are
immediate as with a failed bridge or dam, some become obvious only by the passage of time as with the ruins of ancient civilizations. Of course, the foundations involved in civilizations are usually a “mixed blessing” that combine both truth and falsehood. When truth is in the ascendant, the culture is elevated and produces many blessings for its people.

On the other hand, when the lie becomes the guiding force, the results can and will be catastrophic no matter how much those involved believe that the lie is, as they say, “for the best.” Historical studies of past civilizations clearly show that however well they start, eventually such cultures falter and decay.

Why? Because Man himself is tainted by The Lie. What he was, what he should have been were destroyed
through a lie, at least as the story is presented to us in The Bible, known to much of humanity as The Word of God. And even here, man’s weaknesses and deviousness have produced “pseudo-Scriptures” arising from errors and deliberate lies motivated and caused by our lie-tainted fallen state.

But one needn’t become “religious” to realize the deadly effect of the lie as any part of the foundation of one’s culture. Even in relatively small groups, there is a need for a foundation based upon mutual trust. If a question arises, the individuals in that group need to believe that what they learn from their leaders in whatever capacity those people serve, it will be the truth insofar as those individuals know it. It is one thing to err, it is quite another to deliberately lie.

And, of course, once a deliberate lie is utilized in dealing with the people in that culture, trust is no longer possible. However much one wishes to tell the truth “from now on” and however much one wishes to believe that such will be the case in future, it is never possible to disregard the original lie. This is manifested in the old saw, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!” Like virginity, once lost, trust can never be fully recovered.

No, the truth that is essential in any civilization involves those matters upon which depend actions – great and small – by that country’s leaders. The problem is that very seldom indeed is truth the foundation from which those actions proceed or, rather upon which they are founded (as in foundation). Rather, they are usually determined by what is considered national necessity and political desirability. In other words, the leaders reason, “we need to create this set of circumstances to meet our goals,” and usually such circumstances cannot be achieved by telling the People the truth. What then is the answer to this conundrum?

Simple! We lie – for the People’s good, of course! When this happens frequently enough, the culture involved becomes wicked no matter how good the original intentions of its leaders. And if goes on long enough, soon “good intentions” are no longer necessary to excuse the lie. The intentions themselves become wicked because they are supported and promoted by the “Father of Lies,” Lucifer, who by that time is in charge of all that takes place in that culture!

The “New World Order,” a demonic manifestation of man’s refusal of God’s salvation through the sacrifice of His Son and Word, Jesus Christ, has been with mankind beginning with the expulsion from the Garden through the building of the Tower of Babel – man’s first effort to usurp the place of God – right down to today where it would seem a world government under that name is fast becoming established.

The modern manifestation of this “last chapter of mankind” began in earnest during the so-called Age of Enlightenment that arose in Europe in the 17th century and greatly influenced the cultures of the West and especially that of the United States. One of the most powerful groups arising during that period was the Free Masons. Masonry became a pivotal part of the established culture to the point at which there were – and are – few men of power who were not themselves Masons.

However, not every Mason understood or understands the true goals and meaning of that group. Many
“Christian” Masons do not see any conflict in their “religion” and their membership in that organization though those at the highest levels follow quite a different “god” than the God of the Bible! On the other hand, this situation was immediately recognized by the Church! Membership in the Masons is forbidden to members of both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches in recognition of the true agenda of this “fraternal” body.

Unfortunately for the United States, that nation was virtually born out of the philosophy of the Enlightenment and many of her most powerful and well known Founders were themselves Masons including Benjamin Franklin and John Hancock. Also included was the man called this country’s “Father,” George Washington and the Capitol city named for him was laid out with many Masonic symbols and meanings. Again, it is to be remembered that not every Mason understood or understands the true agenda of Masonry, but today almost all of the men in power in the world are members of this Order and know very well its aims and goals!

As well, the with rise of Protestantism in the West, there were also changes in “Christian” attitudes towards Masonry. As Protestant denominations grew in number, there were definite changes towards that body albeit there are still Protestant sects that forbid it’s followers’ membership. However, there are also others who have leaders and pastors who were and are Masons including such well-known personages as the late Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller and Oral Roberts to name but a few.

The result of the attack on the Christian aspect of Western Civilization achieved by the acceptance of the lie as the basis of our civil and moral ethics is that today we have reached a state of moral decay not just in America and the West but throughout the entire world in the fields of politics, faith, learning, culture, science and interpersonal relationships that has resulted in what can be rightly called accepted and acknowledged evil. Nowhere today, is Truth the touchstone of either beliefs or actions. Nowhere exists – at least culturally – the understanding that human desires should be, indeed must be contained within the boundaries of the Truth and the good – that is, the Will of God.

With the departure of all means and methods of limiting human actions, the results are actions that cannot be described as anything but wholly and completely wicked. These actions no longer bother to make use of the pretence of “good intentions” save only when such are necessary to seduce the naïve and gullible into obedience to the establishment’s desires with the assurance that what is demanded is “for their own good.” And this strategy is furthered by a co-strategy assuring people that failure of obedience is itself evil and demonstrates a lack of concern for the well-being of others. Of course, this too is a lie.

There are many, many examples both now an in the past of actions arising from lies that have been grossly destructive to mankind. The endless wars that have been waged from the beginning of the Age of
Enlightenment have caused more grief than all “natural” disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes and plagues combined. And each war has resulted in the supposed causes never being rectified – never mind removed – thus paving the way for the next war. But even the great loss of life occasioned by these conflicts pales in comparison to what is happening right now across the world not at the hands of soldiers or even natural catastrophes, but at the hands of those whom we see historically as our well intentioned fellow men.

There have always been those among us who chose to serve when sickness or trauma afflicted us. We called them “healers” or “physicians” or “doctors” and we have always considered them to be the best that humanity can produce as they work to alleviate those conditions of illness and injury that weaken and kill us. But slowly, the lie has destroyed even this field of service to mankind and in the name of the Great Reset and other such deceptions, our wicked leaders have chosen to afflict us through what is presented as a supposed defense of our health and well-being, that is, medicine.

Ordinarily, truly wicked strategies and operations by any government or governments working in concert are deliberately hidden though often in “plain sight.” Usually, it takes a period of time after whatever strategy is put into place to fully understand and expose it and even then, propaganda used during the actions involved frequently provided cover for what actually did happen! As well, when such an atrocity is playing out, the rest of the world looks on either in disinterest or, in the alternative, lacking the necessary strength to directly oppose the matter. Seldom is it possible both to know of an ongoing atrocity and to be in a position to stop or at least fight against it – until now. And to understand why that is so, we must look at the wicked acts of wicked cultures.

In most instances, even wicked cultures tend to present their actions to their own people – if they are presented at all – as necessary and just and in most cases, that is believed by that country’s citizens until it is no longer humanly possible to maintain the lie. As well, in an altogether wicked culture no effort is made to deal justly with those considered its opponents. In other words, it is enough that one is considered an enemy – or, in the alternative an obstruction – to make any action taken against that individual or group justifiable. As there are no longer standards based upon truth or justice or the common good, then any act is permissible and hence any act is acceptable. The result of this situation needn’t be explained. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn whose call to truth begins this article has made those results quite clear in his work, “The Gulag Archipelago!”

And this has been the way things have been done for perhaps all of mankind’s history but there is a definite “progression” toward an end game from the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment until today, the third decade of the 21st Century. Today, mankind’s actions are no longer limited to nation states. The great “collective” has begun, started by Marx and the socialists in the 20 th century and continuing on with nations who were not “socialist” at their ideological core becoming more and more so as the decades have proceeded. Eventually, all the institutions of society – politics, science, academia and the culture – slowly adopted the understanding of the need to put all things under a world-wide government no longer answerable to the People, a government known as the New World Order or, the Great Reset.

No longer were the evils of wicked nations limited to those nations and their allies, but instead they are and will be run from a central “authority” that belongs to no particular nation unless one were to consider that such authority exists under the auspices of the United Nations, an organization created and designed to usher in that same New World Order.

There are many things that illustrate that The Lie prevails, but nowhere has the monumental nature of our
danger been made more obvious and open than in the use of one particular science – medicine – to achieve two very important aims of our ruling elite, the depopulation of a large segment of the planet and the means by which the species homo sapiens can be integrated with so call “Artificial Intelligence.” Of course, this is all in the name of saving the planet, often with the added claim of “saving humanity” as well, but the second claim is – you guessed it! – a lie! What makes this particular evil so obvious is the exceptionally short time it has taken for its “fruits” to become known even to many of the terminally naïve and delusional; indeed, only the determined of these “deniers” continue to believe that “all is well.”

In the year 2020, the government of United States of America was preparing for a presidential election through which it intended to remove the then occupant of the White House, a “non-politician” elected by the will of the People but rejected by the so-called “Deep State.” As part of that endeavor, a “new virus” suddenly appeared not just in the United States but around the world and within weeks, it seemed that all the nations of the world were prepared to move as one to prevent what was heralded as a “deadly pandemic” similar to that of the “Spanish influenza” of 1918 that had taken millions of lives. Never, it would seem, had those nations moved with such unison and speed! Meanwhile in the middle of the lockdowns and other mandates instituted in response to prophesied dangers, all attention was drawn to the claim that a “vaccine” would become available to “save mankind” before the year was out.

Now, the story of how these “medicines” came into being through a handful of companies and the way they were treated vis a vis how other so-called “vaccines” had been treated in the past merely corroborates the point being made here: that is, that these were not vaccines, but “bioweapons” that were and are proving deadly either immediately or after a relatively short period of time to many of those who receive them. Furthermore, governments are mandating their use not only on people who would be proper candidates for an actual vaccine, but on those who would have no need of such treatment especially as the “deadly pandemic” involves a virus with a 97-99% recovery rate for those without co-morbidities.

Especially suspicious is the demand that young children be inoculated when it was admitted that they were in no danger from the disease itself! But so wicked has our “civilization” become that verified and validated rates of death and injury from these nostrums are ignored outright while doctors and politicians continue to claim that these “vaccines” are both “safe” and “effective.” The genocide being brought about by the governments of the world in demanding that their citizens accept their own murder clearly indicates that we have achieved the final condition of the death of our society’s soul and that we are all now in the hands of those who serve the Father of Lies.

But we cannot blame government alone for this, for government is usually another word for the representatives chosen by the citizens of that culture. In other words, one cannot have a morally decent citizenry and a morally corrupt government at the same time unless that government is put into place by force of arms as happened in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Cuba and other communist regimes. It is true that decent people can be deceived into putting a Hitler or Mussolini in power, but the wickedness of these “leaders” is well hidden until they achieve full control and they, in turn, often rise as the result of crimes committed against those same citizens they deceive.

But once a nation has reached the point at which open genocide is ongoing without an uprising of that nation’s citizens, there can be no other conclusion than that the citizens themselves are wicked or weak or stupid – or all three. And that is certainly the situation in the United States and the West today. All efforts made by doctors, scientists and even those individuals who have worked to bring forth what is happening but who have “repented” and are attempting to warn the people of this evil are punished, ignored and even murdered by the establishment.

Meanwhile, people either through self-imposed ignorance or fear refuse to respond to what is now a worldwide campaign to commit genocide and install the infamous New World Order and all that will mean to the lives of the population of the planet. Successful efforts to end the ability of ordinary citizens to influence the powerstructure in their own countries through “free and honest elections” are openly known but either ignored or denied when efforts are made to address them. “Election deniers” have taken their place along with “vaccine deniers” and “Holocaust deniers” as the Number One enemies of the State! Those who make efforts to assure against or overcome election fraud find themselves in the hands of a hostile and all powerful government without recourse to justice. Why? Because justice demands truth and as the lie has triumphed, nothing of goodness or value or meaning survives while those remaining few who stand for the truth are hunted down and destroyed.

And thus the edifice falls because the foundation has failed. And the foundation has failed because the poisoned clay of the lie has replaced the good soil of the truth. It’s an old story, really, but its very scope seems to indicate that this time there will be no “reprieves” during which a new culture arises, a culture founded on truth. Remember, as in all things, there comes a point of no return and with it, an end.

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  1. Daithi+Dubh

    As others have written, “It’s Christ or chaos!” There is no in-between! We don’t define reality, God does! They’re still attempting to build the Tower of Babel!

    Good luck with that.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      I have not read it put so succinctly: It is Christ or chaos! I love it because not only is it true and based solely on reality, but it is a call to arms, as in to put on the armor of God and lean upon the spiritual weaponry of the Bible, prayer, repentance, fasting, church and Christian community, and nonconformity to the world that is Satan’s playground. Christ is indeed the ONLY thing that matters and can truly save us, both in the temporal and the eternal. It’s getting so crazy out there that this stark choice is becoming more and more evident to people who are searching and who are hungry for answers. I pray they to make the right choice.

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