Dissident Mama, episode 60 – Pedro L. Gonzalez

Pedro L. Gonzalez is the former assistant editor of American Greatness and now associate editor at Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. His articles have appeared in The Washington Times, The Spectator, RealClearPolitics, The Federalist, and others, and he’s been featured on Fox News‘ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and “Tucker Carlson Today,” The Hill‘s “Rising with Krystal & Saagar,” Newsmax’s “Sovereign Nation” with Michelle Malkin, The Daily Caller‘s “Jorge Ventura Report,” and elsewhere.

Gonzalez also creates Contra: home of his Contra newsletter, his podcast “Discourses,” and his column “Supra Contra.” He’s a tough-as-nails truth teller, so be sure to check out Gonzalez’s content and follow him on Twitter.

Although this interview published in July, it was conducted on May 27 yet never released. As you will hear, my audio’s quite crunchy in spots, so much so, that I had originally decided not to publish my chat with Gonzalez for fear that it would keep listeners from enjoying the show.

However, because Gonzalez sounds clear as a bell and the talk is really about him and not me, I’ve decided (with his approval) to finally release the episode. Moreover, Gonzalez, who is seemingly the most gracious guy in all of alternative journalism, even granted me a second interview. Thus, what you will find here is a two-part podcast series.

In Part 1, Gonzalez and I discuss everything from his growing up as a first-generation American in rural California, the US as a “civilization in crisis,” the “white shame industry,” and nationalism, to leftism as “inherently imperialistic, the “over-saturation of tragedy,” the importance of capturing local and state governments, and Ukraine.

Articles pertaining to Part 1 include: “My Father’s Eyes,” “Servant of the Corrupt,” and “Democrats Are Massive Hypocrites on So-Called ‘Great Replacement Theory’” by Gonzalez; and Big League Politics’ and Chronicles’ critiques of neocon Douglas Murray’s attempt to cancel Gonzalez, as well as Gonzalez’s breakdown of the events.

While Gonzalez dives into to some biographical background and teases out a few hot topics in our first talk, Part 2 tackles a slew of current events, including SCOTUS’s overturning of Roe, the assassination of former prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abo, the Dutch farmer resistance, and the continued insanity that is US involvement in Ukraine. As always, Gonzalez does an expert job at connecting the dots to the big picture. He also discusses some research he’s been doing on the rotten roots and duplicitous language of “transgenderism” and the de facto immigration amnesty happening right here and now in Murica.

Could clown world really have gone so far off the rails that it could mean the end of the liberal world order? Gonzalez certainly has his opinions, so listen to find out what this prolific politico thinks. Not only is our continued conversation a provocative one, but Part 2’s audio is seamless all around – easy listening on some pretty hard topics.

Download PART 1, watch on Odysee or YouTube, or listen here. 👇

Download PART 2, watch on Odysee or YouTube, or listen here. 👇

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  1. Daithi+Dubh

    Refreshing to hear this young man articulate downright good sense! Indeed, we need more like him!

    Also, Miss Rebecca, I particularly enjoy the YouTube option. While I enjoy listening, seeing expression and other non-verbals enhances the presentation.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Yes, Pedro is such a truth warrior. For instance, here’s something he tweeted today that was just so spot on:
      “The ruthless reaction to covid–whole countries ground to a halt, lives uprooted and ruined–made backlash to our politically correct monkeypox approach inevitable. Gays are treated as Sacred People above reproach, their orgies more sanctified than churches shuttered during covid.” Preach!
      As far as video goes, I finally got a thousand subscribers on YouTube so now I can start to figure out now how to monetize some of my stuff over there. This means I might be doing videos for the foreseeable future. As always, thank you for your comment and your input!

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