White Christians should feel guilty

“In my experience, it’s too simplistic (and unfair) to blame one group of people for our collective failure to evangelize,” said Pastor J.D. Greear, who last month was elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Yet that’s exactly what he and the other race-hustlers do: blame white Christians and their “inertia” and “privilege” for the plummeting numbers within Southern Baptist churches.

“In the Christian obsessed with ‘social justice,’ it isn’t easy to discern whether charity is flourishing or faith is expiring.”
— Nicolás Gómez Dávila, Colombian writer

I referenced much of the SBC’s heterodoxy in a previous blog. But the “white people got work to do” slogan is a guilt-inducing, group-think bludgeon and has become an idol in much of mainline American Christianity. The “people of color are perpetual victims” mantra is a near sacrament that must be bowed down to, or else.

Just ask James Edwards, host of The Political Cesspool. He’s long been warring rhetorically on social media and on his radio show with prominent Southern Baptist pastor Dwight McKissic and other SBC bigwigs.

The self-described paleo-conservative has become a lightning rod for interviewing controversial personalities, and defending such unpopular notions as private-property rights, secession, political decentralization, and military non-interventionism. Gasp!

But what was Edwards’ unforgivable “sin?” He believes in white pride, advocates for the white family, and is unapologetically pro-Southern. You know, cultural Kryptonite in these enlightened times.

Now, some or all of that might not be your cup of tea, but are any legitimate reasons to “disfellowship” Edwards and his entire congregation “without even so much as a phone call to my pastor or anyone else in our church,” he wrote? The political purge was carried out covertly, without discussion, deliberation, or even an SBC vote, which is further explained by the hateful and divisive Southern Poverty Law Center.

Edwards is not nor has he ever been a member of the Klan, as some assert. But with plenty of establishment Christian leaders, such as McKissic, joining with and promoting the Leninist-Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, would these Evangelicals even have a leg to stand on if Edwards was a Klansman? I think not.

After all, BLM’s “Blacktivism” is geared toward “freedom and justice for Black people” and seeks empowerment for the “global Black family,” yet curiously aims to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family.” Huh, double-standard much?

For a people who incessantly talk of their quest for Christian “authenticity,” evangeleftists sure do like to pray at the altar of forced “diversity.” What can be any more artificial than racial (and gender) quotas, like the ones McKissic and Greear have endorsed for the SBC?

Belarus’s Ministry of Internal Affairs said it well when criticizing Britain for raising a rainbow flag over its embassy: “The essence of fake is always the same — the devaluation of truth.”

It’s counterfeit virtue, and it seems abundantly clear that in-group preference is okay for everyone, except white folks. It’s like Jim Crow, although not in a legal sense. Rather, this caste system creates supra-rights for aggrieved minorities and special untouchable classes as defined by the pulpit. Some must follow the man-made laws, while others get a pass.

The feel-good words used by the churched inquisition may sound nice, but here’s their true meaning.
• “inclusion” = excluding certain points of view
• “diversity” = anti-whiteness and infantilizing “people of color”
• “racial reconciliation” = pushing white guilt and self-hatred
• “social justice” = covetousness and cultural Marxism
• “unity” = submit or be deemed unworthy of salvation

But what is racism? Here’s what Merriam-Webster says.

Other dictionaries echo the same refrain: racism must require a sense of superiority of one race over another. It doesn’t mention pride, preference, stereotyping, or even power, as the leftists say it must have in order to be legit. According to the true definition, one must lack personal humility and possess utter disdain for specific others in a broad-brush way for racism to exist.

“Liberals are skilled at using orthodox language to mean something else.”
— Professor Robert Gagnon, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Yet, some Christians do mental gymnastics to remake the word in their own progressive image. The cultural-Marxist zealots with Reclaiming Jesus – which includes Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry (known for his pedestrian royal-wedding sermon) and Jesus-was-a-socialist guru Tony Campolo of Red Letter Christians – talk out of both sides of their mouth, just like Greear and McKissic.

They say “no oppression based on race” can be inline with Christianity and that “any doctrines or political strategies that use racist resentments, fears, or language must be named as public sin.” But that’s exactly what they foment with their “racial reconciliation” ideology.

They continue, “We reject white supremacy and commit ourselves to help dismantle the systems and structures that perpetuate white preference and advantage … one that goes back to the foundation of our nation and lingers on.” Oh yeah, and “silence is complicity.” Spiritual extortion, nice touch.

To them, “Racial justice and healing are biblical and theological issues.” Of course this means all penance for sinful whites, all absolution for sinless blacks. No appreciation for white Christians, except for those “allies” who hate their own whiteness, and no level of pandering to blacks is off limits. “We give thanks for the prophetic role of the historic black churches in America when they have called for a more faithful gospel.”

So black Christians are by default prophets and better Christians than those white evil-doers? Allegedly “pro-black” policies are seemingly “central to the mission of the body of Christ in the world,” but dissenting white brothers and sisters – and black conservative Christians, like pastors Voddie Baucham, Jr., and Darrell Harrison – are apostates. Sounds more like Black Liberation Theology to me.

This double-speak is what gives evangeleftists cover in pushing the political stunt known as MLK50, a virtual veneration by a slew of pastors and opinion-makers who call Martin Luther King, Jr. “the greatest American ever to have lived.” This past spring, the event raised money for minority-student college scholarships, while they preached of white guilt, institutional racism, and King’s faith and civil-rights works.

“Racial unity is a Gospel issue,” the conference website claimed in fashionable form. Oh, the bravery. Oh, the leadership. Oh, the irony. Gag.

But no mention that King denied some extremely important Christian essentials: the Virgin birth, that Christ was the Son of God, the physical resurrection of Christ, and the inerrancy of Holy Scriptures. Check out his own words if you don’t believe me. Somehow those aren’t anti-Gospel issues. Um-kay.

Theologian Robert Gagnon called the Christian hypocrisy at MLK50 “propaganda” and a “perfunctory whitewash.” His critique of the “foreordained” message of King’s near sainthood and his insistence that King never repented earned Gagnon some Baptist heat. Thankfully, he refused to bend the truth, despite the bullies’ best efforts.

Even Orthodoxy is not immune, although I do think people with varying views can (and often do) get along much more fluidly within the ancient faith. Liturgy, apostolic traditions, and church history help in keeping some of that animosity in check.

There is true unity in the chalice. Orthodoxy is “diverse” in that universal sense, but some over-“educated” Western Christians still do try their best to homogenize some of the non-dogmatic faith issues.

“Orthodoxy rejects the teaching that churches or countries should be divided along racial lines,” wrote Father Peter Jon Gillquist in reference to his kicking Matthew Heimbach out of communion with the Antiochian Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America. “He must submit to period of formal penance in order to be received back into the Orthodox communion.”

See, Heimbach is co-founder of the now-defunct Traditionalist Youth Network, an ethno-nationalist movement. He’s a proponent of right-socialism, of which I’m no fan. Then again, there are plenty of left-socialists and nation-statists who are members in good standing within the Orthodox Church, yet no one seems to care two whits about their politics.

Liberals of all stripes are never banished from the Church; the example is only made of “neo-Nazis.” Of course, today that job-killing, church-expelling, friend-losing designation includes Heimbach, perhaps rightly so. But tomorrow it could include me, or you, or any conservative because it is the left who creates and then sticks individuals in these ever-broadening categories.

In defending Father Gillquist, Father Ernesto Obregon basically made analogous Heimbach’s unpopular activism with the horrific sin of pedophilia. Could you imagine any priest doing that with a black nationalist, a feminist, or a gay man?

The inconsistencies and contradictions among American Christians abound. For instance, Heimbach is said to support a “separationist ideology,” but BLM isn’t? C’mon.

Is it simply that the marginalization of non-leftist white folks is kosher? Could there actually be something that I like to call “Marxist privilege” within the Church, which pushes double-standards depending not upon soteriology and ecclesiology, but rather upon political correctness?

“He must formally reject violence, hate speech, and the heresy of Phyletism,” Gillquist continued. Media darlings BLM and Antifa are built upon brutality and fear, and encourage people to “punch a Nazi,” meaning anyone with whom they disagree. Feminism advocates for women to kill their children. All are inherently violent groups, yet plenty of Christians support these ideological movements with seemingly no repercussions.

And “hate speech” is a post-modern invention. The offense and acceptable parameters of discourse are always defined by the person making the allegation, and the assertion is never targeted at people of color or leftists high on the caste.

The Christian clamor about being “intentional” and “finding connection” is constant. Those noble works can be showered upon gang members, heroine dealers, parents who give their kids hormone-blockers, illegal immigrants, corrupt lawyers, lying reporters, thieving politicians, pro-abortion activists, or pretty much any fallen soul – other than deplorables. Nope, no “children of God” mercies for them.

And then there’s “phyletism.” Now I’m a newly chrismated Orthodox, but from what I know, this controversy had to do with Bulgarians wanting Bulgarian-only parishes in Constantinople. In fact, the word, which was coined by the Great pan-Orthodox Synod that met in Constantinople in 1872, was synonymous with “ecclesiastical racism.”

“We renounce, censure and condemn racism, that is racial discrimination, ethnic feuds, hatreds and dissensions within the Church of Christ,” wrote the Synod. Yet, it’s not deemed heretical to have national or cultural loyalty outside the Church. There is a Greek Orthodox Church after all.

After Charlottesville, even the Assembly of Canonical Bishops of the USA went so far as to equate phyletism with “all forms of xenophobia and chauvinism” (whatever that means in modern newspeak), but clarified that the “promotion of racial or national supremacy and ethnic bias or dissension in the Church of Christ is to be censured as contrary to the sacred teachings.” Yet, they went on to to appeal to the “leaders of our great nation.” Odd.

My patron saint, Ilia the Righteous (mentioned in my last blog), sought national independence for Georgians from the Russians and autocephaly of the Georgian Church. He worked to out those who dishonored the Georgian nation, and its language, faith, and culture.

So, was Ilia a xenophobe because he vociferously dissented against Russian invasion? Was he a chauvinist because he had Georgian pride? Was he ethnically biased because he championed for a specific people-group? And what the heck codifies “dissension in the Church?” Well, what’s certain is that it’s always one-sided and never, ever broaches the poison of progressivism.

I’m just not convinced that the newfangled Americanized definition of racism is dogma or is even a Gospel issue. The political correctness and presentism weighing down the once simple-to-understand concept make it superficial, convoluted, and subjective.

You can say that the Gospel can heal true racism and, thus, promote more unity among folks as a result of Jesus’ love and grace. But heresy? Eh, not so sure.

If a puritanical progressive “blames himself for what is wrong, he thereby stakes out a claim to be the one who must rectify it. A guilt trip is an ego trip.”
— Historian Forrest McDonald

What I am convinced of is that there’s a double-dealing deception going down. Some sincere people may have consumed so much leftist Kool-Aid flowing forth from the pulpit that their seemingly good intentions have blinded them.

Some may even understand the hypocrisy and its dangerous ramifications, but are too scared to speak up or resist. Others are just trying to navigate the PC landscape as best they can, and are willing to bend principle and throw people under the bus for political expediency. It’s waaaaaaaay easier to be an “ally” than it is to be dissident.

But there are some who aim to co-opt something good (in this case, Jesus Christ) and destroy the institution (the Church) from within. The people orchestrating this madness veiled as Christian spirituality don’t simply have selective outrage. Rather, they fully grasp the agenda and are using scapegoating to gain power, curry favor with the mob, and propel the scheme to its nihilistic ends.

Hey white Christians. I know you’re already beaten up for just being white and having mythical “privilege.” For being a “white supremacist” simply by virtue of not being black, or for voting for Trump (although the stats really do betray the latter deceitful media narrative).

Or for not being sensitive of your role in “colonial oppression” or your complicity in “systemic racism.” For not spitting on your ancestors’ graves hard enough or for never doing enough to further “racial reconciliation.” Your sin is worse and your judgement greater than all else. To the periphery, crackers!

Don’t the people being played know they’ll never be given mercy by the power-hungry race pimps or naive men of the cloth? It’s too risky. There is no grace for whitey, if he upsets the conformist apple cart, either real or imagined, voluntarily or involuntarily. The social-justice establishment is using the weakness, contriteness, charity, selfishness, and/or ignorance of the altruistic white masses to pull a fast one.

I mean, if you can’t stop falling in line with the dictates of leftism – the very ideology which threatens the salvation of individual souls at the behest of the cultural-Marxist collective and seeks to annihilate faith and family – you should feel guilty as hell. Wake up and stop being such brainwashed automatons, y’all.

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  1. mindweapon

    Liberalism is a religion without redemption. Whites are always damned if we do, damned if we don’t. If we flee a black area, it’s white flight, if we move into a black area, it’s gentrification. White kinists are racist for preferring white culture, Rachel Dolezal is racist for trying to identify as black. And so on. It’s all so tiresome

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      I know, it’s so exhausting. But I fear that if we don’t keep calling out the stupidity, senselessness, and perversion of it all, the evil will devour us whole before we know it. Now, I’m not saying we should obsess over it. In fact, not letting the haters steal our joy is a victory in and of itself. They actually seek to wear us down. But simply acknowledge the scandalous hypocrisy, mock it, fight it, and never bend to it.

  2. John M. King, MAEd

    F Christianity! I quit “calling” myself a Christian years ago and the more I read well written articles like this the more I realize my decision was right. Christianity and the White Race may have had common goals in the past but they have long diverged. Christianity is one of the major proponents of anti-Whiteism in our age. It’s time to leave the churches and let them wither on the vine, as their “god” is always broke and needs our money. I changed my religious designation to Asatru with the Dept of Veterans Affairs. I’m not going to start praying to Wotan facing Oslo, lol, but it’s time for Whites to have the balls to say “Bad god, no donut!” There is nothing in the Bible about race or “the sin of racism”. This is all made up communist bull shit. And I suspect that there are Jews running the SBC and these other churches from behind the scenes. You can like Jesus, but you have to hate his followers.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      I partly empathize with your frustration, John, as I can relate to the words of Gandhi, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” I get it. But the anti-whiteness and cultural-Marxism that abounds is such an American thing. If you look at Orthodoxy around the globe, the race-obsessed rhetoric is not really a reality in many places. It’s a specific Western disease, which is born of the Enlightenment, the Great Awakenings, and the puritanical progressivism that took root during Reconstruction and grew stronger with each passing decade in the 20th century. Now we’re living with the cancer. And even though the evangeleftists and other Christian conformists bend to the world doesn’t mean that all Christians do. I don’t want the Church to wither on the vine. I want it to be strong and virtuous and a light in our dark times. And as a former Christian, I’m sure you know that faith can flourish in suffering and that this current wave of leftism sweeping the land may just be our cross to bear. I don’t blame God for that. It is a product of man’s fall and I, for one, choose to resist its perversions and hypocrisy, but also not let my efforts devour my soul spirituality. I will fight for truth, then lay my worries at the foot of the cross and revel in the true freedom of Jesus Christ. This is the race that is set before us. Jesus said, “On this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it!” But he also said, “Many shall come in my name and deceive many.” After all, the church is made up of people, some Christians will fail, and some deceivers will try to muck things up here and there, but as the Bride of Christ, the true Church unites us to Him in faith and love. No haters are going to change that. They never have and they never will. God is in control and His armor keeps me strong, sane, and satisfied. 🙂

      1. Debra Elramey 🌻 (@elramey)

        In contemplating the subject of ‘white privilege’ and other cultural myths equally absurd, I’ve concluded that these lies are straight from the pit of hell and entirely opposite of a truly righteous worldview. The leftist narrative is all-around a counterfeit to the gospel. These religious leaders propagating such nonsense are wolves in sheep’s clothing, and part of the problem here is the sheeple who no more know the voice of the True Shepherd than their own mind – because they seem to have completely lost their own mind for the sake of the hive.

        This kind of rhetoric is antichrist bull. It opposes the principle of “there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” I’d add “there is neither black nor white. Jesus is color blind. And MLK, as flawed as he was, did claim to envision a world where folks were judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

        Like most everything else in the modern world, the word “Christian” has been hijacked. Of course some of us know how to judge a tree by its fruit, and I see a lot of rotten branches crawling with poisonous critters.

        Race baiting is a cancer that needs to be cut out. But alas, spiritual discernment is rare these days. So when I hear a voice like Dissident Mama’s, I hear a voice in the wilderness, a prophetic voice among the legion of demons spewing vomit all over the place.

        1. Post
          Dissident Mama

          Your words are powerful, Debra. I love your reference of Paul speaking to the Galatians. Funny, this bit of Scripture is another thing that often gets “hijacked” by social-justice Christians, who cite it for pro-LGBT purposes, but your true interpretation of it is spot on. Christ IS the unifying, healing force for mankind and all of our beautiful differences. The deification of cultural Marxism and leftist works is the real dissension. Keep on speaking boldly. And as always, thanks for reading, commenting, and keeping the conversation going. 🙂

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Not sure who this Valerie Moore chick is, but what I do know is that she’s pathetic. What kind of person – especially someone who I’m guessing claims to be a strong, independent feminist type – panders so disgustingly to a group of people who she let’s hold this kind of tyrannical power over her? It’s like freakin’ Stockholm Syndrome. And it’s insulting to people of color, too, making it seem as if they are beyond reproach and ever-worthy of being put on a pedestal. Talk about privilege, sheesh! People like Moore think statements such as this will afford them cover in this culture war. But the dirty little secret is that she’ll be thrown under the bus as soon as she’s no longer needed by the POC leftists. She’s unknowingly participating in her own suicide. The silver lining is that we sane people can say, “We told you so.” Not much of a consolation, though. 🙁

  3. a Texas libertarian

    “But no mention that King denied some extremely important Christian essentials: the Virgin birth, that Christ was the Son of God, the physical resurrection of Christ, and the inerrancy of Holy Scriptures. ”

    Wow I had no idea MLK’s Christian faith was so paper thin. Well I knew it was paper thing in reality, judging by his communist leanings and sexual deviancy, but I didn’t realize he publicly didn’t believe in these tenets of the faith. I followed your link but it didn’t go to anything specific, so I searched the site and found the article below, written by King during his theological training.

    “What Experiences of Christians Living in the Early Christian Century Led to the Christian Doctrines of the Divine Sonship of Jesus, the Virgin Birth, and the Bodily Resurrection”

    Is this the one you were referencing?

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Yes, that was one of the links, as well as >

      https://swap.stanford.edu/20141218230444/http://mlk-kpp01.stanford.edu/kingweb/publications/papers/vol1/501122-An_Autobiography_of_Religious_Development.htm and https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/documents/conception-and-impression-religion-drawn-dr-brightmans-book-entitled

      This section of the site has some highly interesting insights into King’s social-justice spirituality, too > https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/publications/papers-martin-luther-king-jr-volume-vi-advocate-social-gospel-september-1948-%E2%80%93-march

  4. Pingback: Excommunicated For Being Pro-White | James Edwards and Matthew Drake - Christopher Cantwell

  5. Dan Thompson

    This is another edifying analysis by DM about the subtle infiltration of cultural Marxism. My own denomination ( PCA) is also infected with this sickness:

    ‘A college professor who promotes progressive theories on race and white privilege was elected moderator Tuesday for this week’s annual meeting of leaders in the conservative Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).’


    When PCA pastor Todd Pruitt attempted to critique some of the BLM loudmouth advocates, he received the following response:

    ‘Pruitt dismissed the black women’s concerns as “typical boilerplate liberation theology” (the hosts had talked about “Christian liberty,” “liberty” and “freedom”). He noted their “crude language” (penis) and “nod of legitimacy to transgenderism” (a salve of acknowledgment of transgender persons) but apparently was unable to find any legitimacy in their experiences as Christian women. I wonder if he would have dismissed the content of “Gender Apartheid” as “typical boilerplate liberation theology” if the participants were white.’


    The truth is that when progressives in any denomination fail to walk humbly before Almighty God, they inevitably substitute some church growth method ( e.g.,social justice concerns) for the inconvenient fact that they are not experiencing true spiritual renewal through their preaching and teaching. They become Christian busybodies who pontificate on current events and cultural trends, but their preaching and teaching is void of the unction of the Spirit of God. Their flocks leave the worship service with comments such as: :” that was an interesting sermon” ; ” wasn’t he funny”; or ” that was a good sermon”. Just spend some time reading the sermons of Jonathan Edwards and, while he was not a great orator, many sinners were convicted of their lost spiritual state and began to seek salvation. Edwards ministry experienced a number of what they called ” harvests” and many Christians were strengthened in their walk with Christ.

    A local PCA pastor even played a video clip of MLK to somehow inspire his white congregation to become engaged in racial reconciliation.

    DM is correct in her final reminder:

    “Wake up and stop being such brainwashed automatons, y’all.”

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Dan, thanks for sharing your thoughts and those links. Indeed, “racial reconciliation” is “typical boilerplate liberation theology” and I’m glad that Pastor Pruitt called it out when he saw it. In that scathing blog about him, it’s telling that the female author, who runs “a news and lifestyle publication centering on Christian communities of color,” bemoans that the PCA “is 80 percent white Reformed body that ordains only men.” Equality to her, of course, means purging white male voices, nothing less. And it is due to activists like her and feminists like Michelle Higgins that the PCA will eventually bend to the world and ordain women (of the ultra-progressive sort, of course), unless non-leftists bravely stand up to their nonsense. I hope and pray for those kinds of bold voices to speak up and refuse to be kowtowed into silence by the obnoxious and ceaseless caterwaul from these wolves in sheep’s clothing. And the sad thing is that many who cave to “social justice” for church-growth reasons seem to not realize that sticking to tradition would be a boon for church numbers. They listen so much to the mainstream media that they do not understand that conservatism is not only a biblical strategy, it is a winning strategy, too. Becoming just like the world is the reason there are so many “nones” and “dones,” yet they seem to think that liberalizing the church is the path. What fools! History and tradition are the bulwark against evil, hubris and “relevance” are not. And if churches embrace the latter, they’ll not only continue to lose numbers, but they’ll firmly lose hold of their true mission, like Edwards said: convicting people of the lost spiritual state and helping them to seek salvation.

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