The de facto wall of separation

So, people on social-media are just now losing their minds over the Obama-era policy of children of illegal aliens being separated from their parents when they break immigration law. (Yes, they’re “illegal” because they’re not complying with US immigration law, and they’re “alien” because they’re foreigners. These are both risks that people take upon themselves and, thus, there are consequences.)

You have libertarians freaking out that we even have a border. Christians are crying a river that the entire Third-World can’t just come to ‘Murica on refugee status (a topic I wrote about in a 3-part series last year). And leftists of every stripe claim that policing the Southern border and enforcing immigration law is “child abuse” and akin to a “crime against humanity.” “No human is illegal,” they say.

Funny that many of the same people orchestrating this “for the children” media frenzy have no compunction about giving young boys and girls hormone blockers to stop the natural onset of puberty. Hmm, that’s odd.

Funny too that some of the same folks who claim Trump is running “concentration camps” have no problem separating children from their parents via government-indoctrination centers known as compulsory K-12 public schooling. Interesting.

(Well, I suppose an estimated 1,000 hours a year per child spent in public schools – not counting school breakfast and after-school programs – would technically make these re-education camps, not concentration camps. But you get my point.)

Many of the same people screaming indignity have no compunction literally ripping the unborn from their mothers, yet promote the murderous separation of abortion. Or what about the shysters who have their kids hold “Babies need moms and dads” signs, yet encourage single-motherhood, fatherless homes, and government as sugar daddy? Peculiar, ain’t it?

Apparently, manufactured outrage is an easy sell these days. I mean, the child-parent separation that everyone from the Mennonites to the Methodists and Al Moehler to Metropolitan Tikhon is railing against is the exact thing that’d happen to my kids if I were to do something illegal. There’s always a higher bar for law-abiding citizens.

Hell, if I did something not illegal but deemed suspect by a random puritanical busybody, CPS would knock down my door, separate me from my kids, and keep them in custody till I could win them back, hopefully. Guilty until proven innocent for me.

Well, let me clarify my position. I am a Southern traditionalist and a secessionist. I don’t want to live in this Disunited Nation-State of Lincoln. If my ancestors had been victorious in their efforts of self-determination, you can bet my border would look a lot different and be much smaller than our current blob of a country. My “border” would actually be based on something tangible: shared language, faith, traditions, customs, and private property. That’s called culture, people.

I’d much prefer not to live under a central-authoritarian regime brimming with special “civil rights” for “protected” classes of people. This is what happens in a democracy.

As a liberty-lover, I don’t even believe in the existence of either DHS or HHS. They’re both freedom-infringing bureaucratic make-work.

See, I’m also an Orthodox Christian who thinks the most moral thing to do with this immigration is to stop supporting the very socialist policies that created this problem. Socialists create oppressive living conditions south of the border, and then Third-World socialists move here and beg for more socialism.

Homegrown socialists perpetuate social programs that lure socialists here and then call for more socialism to fix the chaos they created. It’s for the children, don’t ya know?

I don’t like subsidizing the extortion racket, the nihilistic demands of the mob, the corporate structure, and a government media which pushes fake “unity” and “indivisibility.” Yet, what they really do is work tirelessly to foster division, covetousness, greed, and discord, because it benefits the establishment and its minions.

The open-borders statists pushing this newfound crisis don’t care about the kids. What they’re seeking is to forever remake America in a progressive image as described above. It’s a ruse using children as political pawns and virtue-signalers as their willing puppets: just the fuel necessary to propel this social-justice machine forward.

I don’t want to live in this culture-less society that prides itself on multiculturalism (an oxymoron of epic proportions), forced diversity, “hate speech” laws (but only for some people), censorship, safe spaces, Yankee materialism, and emotivism, not logic, data, and facts. I don’t want to be a part of a system which says that advocating for my family is racist, while simultaneously promoting a low-trust social order and the subsequent violence that stems from it.

I’d much prefer to live among people who understand that democracy is absolutely abhorrent to human liberty and share (or at least respect) common-law heritage. I’d like to live in a place that doesn’t coerce me (and eventually my children) by threat of deadly force to pay federal taxes in order to fund abortion, subsidize illegal aliens, or anything else necessary for the “greater good.”

How come the leftist worldview always requires something of me (my money, my freedoms, my faith, my family’s future, etc.), yet my worldview requires nothing of them, other than to be left the hell alone? But I’m the boogieman. Classic.

I don’t care if you dress it up in Christian-ese. After all, who needs big-government cronies when you have leftist bleeding-hearts running about, issuing statements, and being either uninformed or complicit in the purposeful destruction of my home, heritage, and culture. Couching it in messianic political language still doesn’t change the fact that you’re promoting state violence and devastation against my kids.

Well, the localized society based upon family, community, neighborliness, voluntaryism, Christian faith, smaller, more accountable law, and private-property borders that I’d prefer is not the current reality. That cause was dashed in 1865, at least for the time being.

What we have now is life in an empire. An existence that includes having the fruits of your labor stolen from you to fund the very things you consider evil, like unending and pointless wars abroad and the imprisonment of citizens for non-violent crimes, as well socialized “medicine” and the welfare system.

And it’s those very economic incentives which entice the entire Third World to migrate here, forever enslaving my sons to perpetual debt-bondage and involuntary servitude to the state. It’s about control, wealth redistribution, and power. We’re funding our own destruction. Now I would call that a crime against humanity.

You know what else is child abuse? Ensuring through political and artificial means that my sons become a demographic minority within a few decades. I mean, they’re already said to be toxically masculine misogynists, patriarchal sexists, and potential rapists who are somehow still basking in the glory of all that doggone white-male privilege we keep hearing so much about.

My kids must follow the rules or else. Hell, they pay for the damn rules. But they don’t get tear-filled media stories or late-night talk-show rants of support. Who are their allies?

If my sons have no allies now, besides their family, you can sure as shit bet they won’t have any allies when they’re minority members in a carefully crafted system run by a majority who hate them. Even though they, too, are the “children of God,” the silence will be deafening.

Another lie is that most people coming here simply want a better life. Why then do those very same people not learn the English language, or not assimilate to what is claimed to be our freedom-loving culture, or not send so much of their earnings back to their home country?

Why do they accept welfare, and a “free” education and healthcare subsidized by tax-paying natives? Why do they self-segregate? Sounds more like colonization to me.

Why do they call me paranoid for saying there’s an unfolding cultural genocide purposefully playing out against the unReconstructed Southern people? It’s happening right in front of our damn eyes. After all, much of the razing of Confederate monuments is carried out based on the narrative that the “vibrant, multi-ethnic” communities don’t feel represented with all these statues of dead, white guys out on display.

What about the fact that this balkanized and increasingly anti-white America doesn’t reflect my children? Eh, you must be scared of brown people, they say callously. Yeah, not wanting to participate in this injustice somehow makes me the bad guy. Being a student of history and understanding the devilish cultural-Marxist agenda even gets me pegged unchristian.

Let’s open the floodgates for runaway immigration, create an uncontrollable demographic shift and an overwhelming systemic drain, fund the culture-killing madness, and then alter our history and principles to meet the needs of illegals. Wow, I can’t imagine why anyone would oppose this. Either commit slow, tedious suicide, or become a pariah. That seems to be the choice.

Yes, yes, there are NA[X]ALT immigrant examples. I believe that used to be the case for the majority of immigrants who came to the US legally before the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965. Not the lion’s share of the 45.6 million who are here now.

The 37-million foreigners who immigrated to the US from 1820 to 1930 had to follow the rules, fold into the social fabric, and chart their own destiny all without a “safety net.” And the ones who couldn’t hack it left. In fact, many did go home. That’s a story you rarely hear.

My personal anecdote is that my Lebanese grandmother never took welfare, well, except Social Security. She was part of a thriving community in Richmond, Virginia, comprised of typically first-generation Americans who considered themselves just that: American. Didn’t hurt either that she smartly married herself a handsome North Carolinian of Scottish ancestry.

These were Americans who had olive-toned skin, ate Kibbeh and stuffed grape leaves, and sometimes sent their kids to school with sandwiches made of Syrian bread instead of Wonder bread. We were glad when people ate our weird food. We didn’t call it cultural appropriation.

These folks left a legacy of pharmacists, lawyers, real-estate agents, businessmen, and middle-class families who were simply thankful Virginians doing their thing, eating lamb and country ham. But those are tales of the past.

This is no longer America’s story. The melting-pot is a myth. Careful, prudent, and humane immigration died in 1965 at the hands of leftist politicians and their media collaborators. And it’s championed by a populace hard-wired with Christian altruism, which is so often misguided.

Don’t believe me, just study the Progressive Era, the Temperance Movement, the Social Gospel, and 20th-century American history as a whole. Do-gooders have a real talent for having their supposed good intentions wreak havoc on the rest of us.

Moreover, we’re told that these illegal immigrants are destitute, and that as Christians, we must help them. By purposefully importing poor people, we’re moving our society away from prosperity and back to impoverishment, undoing the very thing that my and my husband’s poor white ancestors worked to avoid.

They toiled and sacrificed for their progeny’s sake. Not to have their hard work undercut by a socialist scheme. Shanties for all!

Many Christians say we should willingly endorse and throw our money at every progressive sham and then not complain about the horrible ramifications. It’s Biblical principle, they say. But when Jesus told the rich man to part with his treasure, it came with an addendum: Follow me. Give it away for God, not for something ungodly.

And then Christians think they’re earning brownie points with God by forcing their fellow Christians to not only support causes they find obscene and hideous, but to fund their own downfall. That’s what charity means to people these days. Sheesh, no wonder so many conservative people are fleeing the church.

How about we try something different. Let’s reunite families by not letting them come here en masse in the first place. Let’s stop stealing from our neighbors to buttress the anti-family policy known as wide-open borders. Let’s stop celebrating parents who make unethical and illegal decisions that put their own kids at risk. Let’s not use children as political props.

Let’s stop pretending that immigration is a Jesus thing and not a political move meant to ensure long-term voting blocs for the godless statists, cheap labor for crony capitalists, continued power for the elites, and a leftist remaking of America. It’s a Trojan horse, y’all.

Let’s admit that “magic soil” is a lie. Let’s stop allowing people to appropriate our Christian culture and trash our common-law heritage in order to dismantle those very building blocks of our home. Let’s build the freakin’ wall!

But the malevolent malcontents say Trump’s wall is immoral and tyrannical. They say that my voting for Trump as a stop-gap measure to this progressive madness makes me a horrible person, a hater, a backsliding Christian.

Yet they’ve created another wall – a barrier where my family must exist and survive. It’s not built with barbed wire and rough-shod stone. Rather, it’s a political wall that makes extremely clear I cannot peacefully leave this oppressive union; the War of Northern Aggression proved that.

It’s more a de facto wall ruled by social-justice shaming, conformist cuckery, and progressive political enforcement, so resistance is futile. Don’t fight it. Behave.

Just shut up, pay your taxes, fight the empire’s wars, sell out your children, submit to the cultural decay, wallow in white guilt, cave to an inauthentic brand of Christian charity, and rally for open borders … or you’ll be tagged anti-child, a xenophobe, unAmerican, a white supremacist, or maybe even a Nazi.

I guess better to be branded those things than to be dominated by the totalitarians who have erected and maintain the wall of subjugation and marginalization behind which my children currently live. That, my Christian brothers and sisters, is separation.

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  1. Laurie

    Excellent article full of nothing but the truth!Thank you for your powerfully well written articles and please keep them coming.Hopefully more will open their eyes to what is really going on,especially christians,and make changes to fight what is really happening!

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Thanks Laurie. As we both know, fighting this Goliath of theft, manipulation, do-gooderism, ignorance, oppression, and outright lies can be exhausting. But let’s keep doing our part to resist. Honestly, I don’t know what else to do, other than bend over and take it – and THAT I’m not willing to do. I owe it to my children to fight, so let’s keep the heat on, shall we?!

  2. Sabrina

    Yep. I feel many of us fought a valiant crusade on FB with our leftist “friends” to not abdicate their people powers to our newest forced dictator Trump. (I say that not as a slam against him, but them). Their demand for immediate gratification of their need of virtuous fix (it is their drug), instead of allowing the legitimate process of legislative remedy, enabled a lazy-assed, money-grabbing, impotent Congress to carry on per their usual manipulative, mid-term politicking, stay on the American tit selves. My question for Trump today is: Why bother to serve the self-serving? You’re 70 years old, man, take your beautiful wife and live a life. This last episode of American history has shredded my personal belief in what I recognized as the “good” of America. I am a cynic through and through and I’m gagging on their damned purple pill. More and more, I look away.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Sabrina, I so know where you’re coming from. I told my husband that we should go live out in the woods, off the grid, and away from all the worldly BS. You know, kinda like Ted Kaczynski, but without all the bombs and stuff. 😉 Just nature and life and God and family and peace. But just like Michael Corleone says in the Godfather, “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!” The state will never let us go. I mean, we’re the tax-paying suckers who fund their oppressive schemes and line their pockets and subsidize our own downfall and make real all the virtue-signalers forced “charity.” But you’re right. Looking away is a must. I can’t do it as often as I perhaps should because of my calling to this rhetorical truth-seeking effort known as DM, but that’s when I pray. A lot. And read the lives of the saints. And look into my beautiful children’s eyes and revel in the privilege that is motherhood. Or hug on my awesome hubby and tell him how much I love him and thank him for being so strong and faithful in navigating our family through crazy world. We cannot let the haters steal our joy, even though we are truly “gagging on their damned purple pill.” I know must resist the statist-socialist madness, but also must trust that God is in control. Keep fighting, but lay it all at the foot of the Cross. Love my enemy, but not submit to suicide. Love my neighbor, even if he happens to be my enemy. It is a balancing act, and one I honestly haven’t quite figured out, but I’m trying. And God willing, I’ll get there eventually. Just remember, Deo vindice!

      1. Sabrina

        Spot on. And when I say, “I look away,” I’m saying I’m looking and appreciating more the correctness of Southern heritage.

        1. Post
  3. Dan Thompson

    Thank you DM for another timely analysis of the social -justice progressives who are on the evening news using, as you mentioned, “children as political props.”
    These do -gooders need to focus on an actual example of child abuse that was brought to my attention by my daughter Jennifer:

    It is child abuse to encourage a young student to remove the memory of JEB Stuart and substitute this with the fake Christian, girly-man named Barak Obama. His Muslim leanings and religious pluralism are evidenced by comments such as these:

    “Let’s start with this fact: For more than a thousand years, people have been drawn to Islam’s message of peace.”

    “We are all God’s children. We’re all born equal, with inherent dignity.
    And so often, we focus on our outward differences and we forget how much we share. Christians, Jews, Muslims — we’re all, under our faiths, descendants of Abraham.”

    For school- aged children to imbibe such heresy is child abuse with eternal consequences. They need to study the life of JEB Stuart as both a courageous warrior and godly man:

    James Ewell Brown Stuart was born in Patrick County, Virginia, on February 6, 1833. His lineage was that of a Scotch Presbyterian, his forebears having immigrated to the Americas seeking refuge from religious persecution. Thanks to a distinguished ancestry, it’s not surprising that Stuart men were widely known as gentleman of great virtue. Both their Christian roots and their sincere appreciation for their religious freedoms inspired them to give back to the community whenever possible. Their undying commitment to serve God provided a foundation of values and morality that benefited their family for generations to come.

    After his worldly matters were concluded, J.E.B. focused his remaining thoughts on the journey that lay ahead. He turned to the Reverend Peterkin of the Episcopal Church and asked him to sing his favorite hymn, commencing, “Rock of ages cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee…” Then he joined the ministers in prayer. He said his last words to the doctor, stating, “I am going fast now; I am resigned; God’s will be done.”

    Barak Obama would direct young minds to accept the religion of the Dome of the Rock; JEB Stuart’s life was a witness to the Rock of Ages.

    JEB Stuart understood with DM that a “border would actually be based on something tangible: shared language, faith, traditions, customs, and private property. That’s called culture, people.”

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      So beautifully said, Dan. I often cry for the forgotten greatness of our brave Christian ancestors. Their faith was authentic, not pretentious like the counterfeit virtue of the Yanks and the post-modern meddlers that push for an erasure of our history. They were humble, but strong. Fallible, but powerful in their walk with Christ.
      Thank you for sharing that info on JEB Stuart. I will be sure to check out the link you provided. I’m actually working on a blog (although I admittedly have about 20 in the works!) which will assert that if our Christian Southern heroes had been Orthodox, they would most assuredly would’ve been sainted. I think this will be a piece you’ll definitely appreciate. 🙂

  4. Judy

    Once again Dissident Mama has hit the nail on the head. Our culture is being lost in waves of people who can’t and won’t look for the real truth and support it. Keep up the good work.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Thanks for your words of support, Judy. Let’s keep speaking for truth and, God willing, more and more people will start to wake up!

  5. Debra Elramey 🌻 (@elramey)

    This touched my heart today. Thank you for taking the time to write such a brilliant essay on immigration. It pulled me back to my own heartbreak over what’s happening before our eyes. What hypocrisy we see when it comes to children being separated from their parents: schools, abortions. There are days I bury my head in the sand because I can’t bear to look around and see the chaos around me. But when I read a piece like this, I remember my own Lebanese in-laws who immigrated here and realize how far we’ve come from sanity.

    Whatever happened to the American dream? There was a time when people believed in it but over the years it’s been eroded. Sitti came here through the front door, arriving at Ellis Island in the fall of 1911 with her father. She didn’t know whether he expected to make his fortune here or whether he just wanted the adventure. Anyway Sitti always remembered her father’s words: “You can have anything you want in America if you work for it.”

    Later she attended the Sister’s school, Belmont Abbey. Here she was forced to learn English, for they said to her, “Learn the English language – or don’t say nothin’.”

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Wow. What an incredible story. Thank you for sharing. I don’t know what to tell you other than we are writers, so we write. And I don’t know if my blogs are “brilliant,” but I will say they are from the heart. Just one chick’s reflections on the madness that is our world. Personal, but logical. Researched, but real. Not too emotive, but overwhelmingly consistent. Bold, but loving (I pray). I know I sometimes I miss the mark, but at least I’m trying. And I hope more and more people keep on trying. Please do not bury you head, for without the resistors, who then will seek truth? Deo vindice, Debra!

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