Loyal opposition

Did y’all catch Ben Shapiro’s diatribe in Cal a few weeks ago?

It’s utterly deceitful and petty, but so beautifully illustrates the war on true conservatism as waged by neoconservatives who seek to conserve absolutely nothing.

Here are some of the best tricky gems from the king of contradictions:

Don’t act like victims, alt-righters. But … don’t forget that Jews are the biggest victims on the planet, and anyone who disagrees is a “white nationalist alt-right troll.”

Stop obsessing over something that happened 50 years ago (the USS Liberty); it’s ancient history, fascists. But … we should never forget the holocaust is the only human genocide that matters. Ever.

Judeo-Christianity” is America’s heritage. But … you really must stop believing in that Jesus-centered Christianity, haters. Just worship in the Temple of Conservatism Inc., where we’ll reeducate you on the proper moral laws and statutes.

America is an “idea.” But … we neocons get to decide what that ethos is, not actual non-leftist Americans whose ancestors fought and died defending freedom and family.

Whiteness isn’t even a thing, dummies; it’s only melanin. But … whitey must ignore demographic changes which are marginalizing him, and did I mention how great it is that Jews get to have their ethno-state?

“Conservativism” is a big tent with plenty of room for sodomite Republicans and various melanin-level-based identities. But … we have no room for pro-traditional-family bigots and racists who don’t embrace multiculturalism.

Identity politics is for white losers who live in their mom’s basements. But … Zionism is for liberty-lovers and identifying as white is for Nazis! And don’t forget the biggest identity of all: Murica, one nation-state under God, indivisible but always growing, from regime-change war to regime-change war, with empire and tyranny for all.

Supposedly, Stanford students gnashed their teeth and twitched in the fetal position before Little Benny’s campus speech, saying it would put “people at risk.” And even though his high-speed rant that included no Q&A was a simply a “sustained attack on the alt-right, the left still attempted to shout him down.”

Unfortunately, my critical-thinking skills and logical sensibilities were definitely put at risk, but progressives were safe within Shapiro’s neoliberal neoconism. But it was also Shapiro who was at risk of being challenged by Groypers, which is why he spent his time offering up a migraine-inducing verbal screed from his bully pulpit against American-firster Nick Fuentes, instead of attacking the leftism he allegedly detests.

In his predictable fashion, Benny didn’t even have the cojones to mention Fuentes by name. (Let’s not forget that Shapiro is the same stalwart “conservative” who immediately bashed the Covington kids, but deleted his negative tweets, offered no apology, and then pretended to defend the boys only when it seemed politically palatable. Total shyster.)

Yep, Shapiro – who is editor of the Daily Wire, a contributor at PragerU, a syndicated columnist, a podcaster and host of a live radio show, a mover-and-shaker within big-money college outreach groups like Young Americans Foundation and Turning Point USA, and pin-up boy for normies from sea to shining sea – found it necessary to take on a YouTuber with fewer than 70,000 subscribers. Why?

We must understand that Shapiro has earned the reputation of being a take-no-prisoners debater. Yet, he makes a habit of using these supposed super-human rhetorical skills only to “smash” and “destroy” and “shut down” the arguments of college leftists.

Hell, I could deconstruct all the idiocy that social-justice warriors spew at universities, and my verbal skills aren’t even that hot. I mean, these cultural Marxists aren’t called “snowflakes” for nothin’. Just disagree with their worldview and their fabricated PTSD kicks in good and hard. After all, simply saying “No!” to just one of the left’s many ever-evolving demands is how Jordan Peterson launched to fame.

As a former feminist-atheist-socialist and Big-10-university-kool-aid drinker, I am well-versed in the language of progressive-ese, so I know what the automatons are going to say before they even utter their initial rote talking points. My guess is that high-IQ Shapiro is rarely if ever stumped by the mindless Millennials and their dead-eyed dogma either.

Wow, did you see Shapiro take down that blue-haired feminist? Man, he really showed her. Did you catch Shapiro tearing that pro-abortion activist a new one? Gosh, he’s so bold and articulate … we’d better thank our lucky stars that we have him on our side against those meany liberals.

I think there are a good many people who could out-debate Shapiro, that is, if he’d stop filibustering and just breathe for one damn second and actually engage in a conversation. (Never trust a fast-talker, I always say, especially one who wants you to buy his overpriced “patriotic” ideology which includes paying – and maybe even dying – for Israel’s wars. Talk about a lemon.) In fact, one of Shapiro’s best-known meltdowns was when he fled the scene after being outwitted by a BBC reporter.

“The left has run out of aggressors to target,” Shapiro wrote in 2016. “Instead, they’ve become the aggressors, self-righteous morality police dedicated to wiping out dissenting thought.” But that is exactly what Shapiro and his neocon tribesmen do.

Shapiro rightly claims that progressives are horrible, but he’ll “debate” them. However, he says alt-righters are just so loathsome that they must be censored for the sake of civility. Yep, the guy who the corporate press calls a “radical” young leader of the “right” won’t even take on the most serious questions from the right.

Unlike the Millennials, who see America as a playground for materialism and wanton sexual pleasures, and think that traditional folks are a punching bag for their fictional and never-ending intersectional oppressions, the Zoomers are pissed because they see the load of crap left for them by previous generations.

“It’s a sin for people to conflate mainstream conservatism with that kind of garbage,” he barked at a Fuentes supporter at Boston University. Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to be taking seriously moral pronouncements from a dude who claimed that Jesus was “a Jew who tried to lead a revolt against the Romans and got killed for his trouble.” It’s no wonder that someone who thinks Christ was just some rootless political activist also pushes America as a “propositional nation.” Heritage and true history mean nothing to Shapiro.

Groypers, many of whom are outspokenly Catholic, grasp the gravity of the social degradation, political tyranny, debt bondage, and identity-less-ness that has been foisted upon them. And these informed and energetic young men know they’re being marginalized and blamed for the divisive culture for simply existing as who they are. They understand that they’re the archetype.

Maybe it’s their privilege, or their whiteness, or their heterosexuality, or their Christian faith, or that they grew up in a nuclear family (or at least plan to create one of their own, since many themselves are the product of Gen-X divorces and the trauma that creates for children), or the fact that they grasp that Zoomers are being demographically displaced through both illegal and legal immigration.

So, Shapiro is taken aback whenever he gets challenged by these Gen-Z realists who aren’t as brain-dead and gullible as are the Millennials. These Groypers are skeptical, articulate, and frustrated as hell at the status quo. They have legitimate queries and concerns; they question and seek proof for what Conservative Inc. is selling. And lil’ Benny doesn’t like that.

“First of all, I’m happy to address any ideas,” Shapiro told another Groyper. “I’m not happy to debate somebody who has joked about murdering me.” Yep, sensitive Ben – who once told a pro-Palestinian protester, “Well, Israel will just carpet bomb you so …” – is now offended that Fuentes once bantered about the holocaust. Moreover, Shapiro is a fanboy of America’s never-ending wars, so I’d say ethics isn’t his strong suit.

After censoring the Groypers’ freedom of expression, the Red State headline reads that Shapiro “Lays It Out on the Alt-Right and Racism Among Conservatives.” So stunning and brave to call people racist for simply not conforming to every anti-American edict that the neocons decree from on high. Maybe red is dead.

The Groypers resistance to Conservative Inc. has been effective, which is why the corporate media is going after them so hard. In typical subversive form, National Review bashes Fuentes and belittles dissent to neoconism, even leaning on leftist Vox of all venues for backup. Sadly, smear campaigns are nothing new for the traitors at National Review.

In discussing Shapiro’s feud with Fuentes, The Hill assures us that the “new alt-right [is] steeped in anti-Semitism,” whatever that is. But at least they admit that Conservative Inc. seeks to stifle the young and fiery rabble-rousers of Gen Z.

And the Washington Post describes the “‘Alternative right’ as a small, far-right movement which seeks a whites-only state. It appears that fewer people identify with the term since the deadly Charlottesville rally cast a spotlight on alt-right and neo-Nazi demonstrators.” And they say Fuentes attended Unite the Right in 2017, which in 2019 equates to burning a cross on trans black woman’s front lawn or shooting up a synagogue.

And grifter Shapiro, the supposed rebel standing tall against leftism, is playing right along with the progressive narrative. “Are you protesting the part where I’m condemning the Nazis?” he asked the leftist protesters when trying to regain control of the room at Stanford. Let me translate: Please, cultural Marxists. Just let me continue bashing a young conservative who is a common-sense voice for 20-somethings. I think he and his followers are Nazis, too!

Shapiro shills have even celebrated that Fuentes was deplatformed from Reddit and iTunes, while other neocons have managed to get him banned from “conservative” events like CPAC and Politicon. “These Hate-filled gremlins are NOT conservative,” Tweet the neoliberal cry babies who cannot tolerate free expression, much less the healthy exchange of ideas with actual smart, competent people asking the hard questions.

Michelle Malkin has already been purged by Conservative Inc. for not throwing Fuentes under the bus. All the typical Big Con charlatans, like David French, Matt Walsh, and Guy Benson, continue the drum beat that Fuentes is a “holocaust denier” and an “open anti-Semite” and assure the milquetoast masses that there is “no room for racism and hate” on their neocon watch. “We defeated your special brand of pasty uber-hyper nationalism in 1945. We’ll do it again.” Oy vey, the retarded rhetoric really is too much to bear.

Honestly, Fuentes is a little too rah-rah Murica for my tastes. Although he did attend the now-career-destroying Charlottesville rally, I’m pretty sure the Chicagoan doesn’t care two hoots about the destruction Confederate history. In fact, he said he went there to “demonstrate against mass migration.” And his followers are all too happy to bash the South and North Carolina in particular just because they can. Nice, coalition-building there, fellas.

Still, Fuentes and his Groypers give me hope about the future. First, they’re intelligent and nonconformist enough to be open to the deep, rich traditional conservatism of Southern stalwarts like Drs. Boyd Cathey, Donald Livingston, Clyde Wilson, and Brion McClanahan. After all, Fuentes calls himself a paleoconservative (in this riveting interview with libertarian Dave Smith), as do I, and cites the brilliant Pat Buchanan and outspoken Paul Gottfried as influences. I pray these youngsters wake up to the fact that the modern reconstruction and cultural genocide they abhor was born of Union conquest in 1865. It is the Yankee mindset that is the enemy.

But in the meantime, they’re inspiring other young non-leftist men and women to hold neocons’ feet to the fire. They could be playing video games, or doing drugs, or having lots of deviant sex, or criticizing leftists from the comfort of their home computer, but they’re out there in real time, challenging a “famous” politico who’s on Fox News. They’re willing to withstand public derision, security hassles, demonetization, and I’m sure social shaming and other risks in their own personal spheres in order to break the neocon hypnosis.

Shapiro and his ilk are the loyal opposition. On face value, they seem like they oppose leftism, yet they’re really loyal to the same fundamental interests as the progressive power structure ruining it all. They are committed to the perpetual revolution. This is why they scream about racism and bigotry while anti-whiteness and mass immigration reign supreme, and Rome burns.

As Faith Goldy so aptly explains, If Conservative Inc. wins, America loses. And that, my friend, is the cold, hard truth.

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  1. disqus_3BrONUAJno

    A great deal of what both sides whine about as ancient history are irrelevant when one was born after.
    It is a bit different when one comes to know and admit that the USS Liberty and Gulf of Tonkin were both invented and initiated by the same treasonous horse turd from Texas, for very similar purposes.
    Hey, it is great to see you on Disqus. I knew your hubby could do it! 🙂

    1. Dissident Mama

      Yep, knowing history is the key. I consider myself a history buff and yet there is still always something new to learn. But when people (neocons and young Groypers alike) think they understand what “America” is without immersing oneself in the study of ALL American history (and the British history that preceded it), that hubris can lead to a dark path. It’s just like taking a Bible verse out of context without knowing what came before it, who said it, who he was speaking to, where they were, what the year was, etc. It’s presentist lunacy.

      And yeah, LBJ was a som’ bitch for sure. He definitely busts the Southern-gentleman stereotype. 😉

      P.S. Thanks for lighting a fire under me to light a fire under my husband. Team work!

          1. disqus_3BrONUAJno

            I guess I don’t understand effectiveness the same way you do.
            I still don’t know what a woman saying “amen” means, given that the sovietization of our schools started back in the days when bibles were the majority of the reading material.
            There is little difference between political and religious regimentation.

          2. Dissident Mama

            I was amening your original comment, “No natural born American citizen should be subjected to the sovietized history taught in our day prisons.” In other words, I was agreeing with you, silly. 🙂

  2. Jake Starbuck

    Hey, Jake Starbuck here. Continuing our discussion from Facebook:

    Klavan has more respect, I think, for the uniquely Christian (both Old Testament and New) influence on the American concept of freedom and the Anglo-American legal tradition than Shapiro does:


    In that video, Bill Whittle is the one who reiterates the point that (as the Founders said repeatedly) the Constitution only works for a virtuous/moral and religious people, but Klavan obviously agrees with the statement, and I have heard Klavan say on his show more than once, that without the Christian faith, there can be no free society based on well-ordered liberty. (Adams, Jefferson, and Washington spring immediately to mind as the most famous men to express that view, but you well know that they were not alone in saying so).

    There’s also this video here:


    Admittedly, Klavan often gets things wrong (like the Late Unpleasantness Between the States). I find myself shaking my head at something he says in most of his episodes. But I do think that, while he is often wrong, he is honestly wrong, and a decent man. That’s why his reaction to the Proud Boys members being imprisoned for defending themselves from Antifa shocked me. He basically said: “They were in a street brawl and deserved to be punished.” (I’m paraphrasing here, and he may have issued a correction because he was wrongly informed on the circumstances of the situation – I don’t know, I have seen his show for the past several days).

    Having heard Gavin McInnes explain the full details of the situation, I am outraged, and expected Klavan to be. My thoughts on the subject were something along the lines of: “People thrown in jail for self-defense? The media and the court system conspiring to falsely paint two of the three accused as white supremacists? This is exactly the kind of dishonesty Klavan is constantly talking about! I look forward to hearing him take down the corrupt, lying, wicked media and court system who have perpetrated this gross injustice!”

    As for the video you posted re: Klavan and Nick Fuentes, all I can say is that Klavan seems to be jumping on the bandwagon and thereby doing a damnable injustice to Nick Fuentes and to Michelle Malkin. This is disheartening. I saw Klavan as a sort of Tucker Carlson-esque figure. Wrong on plenty of things, but understanding and adhering to the heart of true American conservatism and attempting to propagate it through the platform available to him. This changes that perception somewhat. Klavan is obviously wrong in this, but I am still reluctant to question his integrity. That being said, I am going to have to seriously consider cancelling my subscription to the DailyWire.

    On a related note, the gentlemen who made that video seem interesting. Do you watch them often?

    1. Dissident Mama

      Are you talking about Revenge Of The Cis?

      I don’t watch them often, but I did like this particular video. It was my first real re-introduction to Klavan since his days of pushing a “one-state solution” via all the Middle East just being given to Israel. That was a long time ago and I had forgotten about him, honestly, till my husband refreshed my memory.

      So, I don’t really know of Klavan. And I’m certainly willing to cut people slack who speak publicly for a living. They’re going to screw up some times. Just fess up and move on when you do. I get it.

      But what I do look at is patterns, just like the ones I pointed out about Little Benny. And to echo your sentiments, one YouTube commenter said that “Fuentes has even said nice things about Klavan very recently saying not to target him because he was a decent man.” As a fan of his, you should hold his feet to the fire. You are a subscriber. You are a listener. Ask him why he seems to be bending to “mainstream” conservatism (his own words) and calling dissenters “clowns.”

      To me, he just seems way too concerned in deflecting charges of “racism” and “anti-Semitism” that I don’t trust him. Anyone who allows those ad homs to hold power over them will not be a 100% truth-teller. Period. These isms are the bludgeons of the left, and anyone on the right who uses them is useless, especially when the legitimate shoe doesn’t fit. Fuentes may be a lot of things but he is no holocaust-denier and he is certainly no ethno-nationalist. Fuentes just hates multiculturalism, mass immigration, demo replacement, and treating Israel like it’s the 51st state. I do, too. It’s social engineering, which enslaves my children. Period.

      Castigating Fuentes outright also seems lazy. It’s easy to parrot the corporate press’ headlines, but diving into the meat of these real issues and sincerely tackling the Groypers concerns is hard, just like defending the Proud Boys is hard. Very hard, but it’s what separates them men from the mice.

      Lastly, as to your point about Klavan’s mistaken take on the War for Southern Independence, well, I’ve come to realize that if you get that wrong, you get it all wrong. If you don’t grasp the true history of 1861-1865, your ideology, your principles, your worldview, your history is built upon sand. You have nothing to conserve if you don’t understand state’s rights and self-determination, Jeffersonianism and the anti-federalists, sectionalism and the South. At best, you half-ass buttress leftism because you think America is an idea, and at worst, you wanna destroy it all. Either way, it’s cultural genocide. My friend Boyd Cathey explains it well here in his short Thanksgiving meditation.

      Anyway, thanks for commenting. Please keep it up, Jake. Dialog (not censorship) is a very good thing indeed.

  3. Daithi Dubh

    “Conservative” used to mean something good, but it’s been so stretched and beaten by the likes of the Shapiros and other members of Conservative, Inc. (Big Con, as Kerwick says), that I don’t know how useful it is at this point. Even with the awkward modifiers “traditional” or “paleo” in front of it, we still get lumped in with the likes of Little Benny, et al, sometimes.

    At some point, this stuff will break – as I believe it’s already starting to do, thank God! – and be seen for the con that it is. But how much more damage will be sustained before that happens?

    Thanks yet again, DM!

    1. Dissident Mama

      Agreed, DD. The con is so deep that being lumped in with the neocon frauds can indeed be a detriment. Words are so weird, how they change, morph, get redefined, etc. It’s like when I discuss the federalists and anti-federalists with my kids. The latter were good (states’ rights advocates) while the former were bad (central authoritarians) … but federalism is still good because it’s Jeffersonian. Yep, it’s confusing, but it’s still necessary in understanding history. If the jerks would just stop co-opting words, life would be easy, lol. 🙂

      Anyhoo, thanks for your always-interesting insights and your kind words. Stay tough out there, brother!

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