Dissident Mama, episode 66 – Valerie Protopapas

Valerie Protopapas of New York is a prolific and unreconstructed defender of Southern history, the world authority on the great Confederate partisan John Singleton Mosby, and is former editor of The Southern Cavalry Review, the journal of The Stuart-Mosby Historical Society. In her compelling story-telling style, Protopapas offers up myth-busting facts on “The Gray Ghost,” the naiveté of conservatives, the “lost cause,” the disunited states and its associated madness, transatlanticism, the Titanic, Orthodoxy, and other topics spun into fiction by the cultural genociders and the useful idiots.

Download this podcast episode, watch on YouTube or Odysee, or listen here. 👇

Some links relevant to our conversation:
• Protopapas’s bold essays at the Abbeville Institute and Reckonin’
• “Col. John Singleton Mosby: In the News 1862-1916,” her book formerly entitled “A Thousand Points of Truth”
• “Searching for Lincoln,” the documentary to which Protopapas contributed
• “The Gray Ghost,” the short-lived 1950s TV series that sparked her interest in Mosby
Orthodox Christians for Life, which she co-founded with her husband Deacon John
• “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future,” by Fr. Seraphim Rose
• “Antichrist and the Green Prince” by John D. Christian

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  1. Joe Johnson

    Regarding your post from 2019, yes, I am ant-Zionist, yes, I criticize Israel and am aware of the negative influences of certain powerful Jews, but I don’t align myself with louis Farahkhan, The Nation of Islam, Amy goodman, George Galloway or some alienated, postmodern critic.

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  2. Joe Johnson

    It was great. And I always enjoy Ms. Val pieces over at The Abbeville Institute and Clyde Wilson’s Recokin website. Thank you.

  3. Joe Johnson

    By the way Dissident Mama, do you remember Joe E. Fallon of Chronicles. I believe he was another writer from NY state who was pro south and anti-Lincoln

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      Dissident Mama

      He’s the one who wrote “Lincoln Uncensored,” right? I didn’t realize he was a New Yorker, but as Val explains, thankfully, this doesn’t have to be a contradiction. 🙌 Modern-day copperheads may not be the fashion, but they are always a very good thing.

  4. Daithi+Dubh

    I just finished listening. How refreshing! I’ve never studied John Mosby that much, Miss Valerie’s treatment here inspires me to want to take a deeper look at the man. Not surprisingly, though, The Narrative casts its pall over his life as well, and we need folks like her to correct so many of the lies and propaganda we’ve bee subjected to for so long.

    I also resonated with your discussion toward the end. Once again, there are powers and principalities at work, both secular and spiritual, far beyond our comprehension. Why should we be surprised, especially as believers? But I have been, and continue to be, increasingly disturbed at the “blue-pilling” that persists. The lack of situational awareness (SA) is profound, even though I think many are waking up, thank God! The saying I first heard and used in the Army years ago , the one that is either profoundly stupid or profoundly insightful, still obtains: “It is what it is!”

    But the gaslighting goes on, and we feel isolated, often wondering whether we’re the crazy ones still! And the gaslighting causes us discomfort because we must confess we ourselves are full of self doubt, often not wanting to believe what we are in fact seeing!

    Miss Valeries’ appeal at the end that amounted to doing what we can do – what is given to us to do, in the LORD’s good providence – remains His standing order! No, I don’t know the profound effect that a simple kind word here and there might have, but I mustn’t hesitate to do it simply because it seems so futile against the seemingly overwhelming chaos that looms over us! God is still in control and promises to make all things new (Rev. 21:5), “. . . far as the curse is found”!

    Thanks again to you, Miss Rebecca, for taking Dr. Wilson’s advice and engaging Miss Valerie in this interview! She is indeed a treasure!

  5. Valerie Protopapas

    I thank those kind folks who have always been so good (and generous) in their assessments of myself. Truth to tell, we never know when the opportunity that God gives to use to do His will comes to pass. Often we miss it simply because we are looking for mountains and he sends us a small bump in the road. I don’t believe, however, that He will condemn us for our failures as long as we continue to try. Many people “burn out” because they believe they are lost because of their failures and so they stop trying. But to stop trying is the ULTIMATE failure.

    We may indeed be in those “last days” spoken of in Scripture but whether that is so or not, for each and every one of us, the ending of our lives is, in fact, OUR “last day.” Live in the moment. We cannot change the past, neither can we dictate the future. We must do our all in the present. That’s why, I suppose, it is called “the present.” It is GOD’S “present” to us, an opportunity that never comes again.

  6. T. Morris

    Hello, ladies. I can’t honestly say that I’ve listened to all 66 of your podcasts, Rebecca, but I can honestly say that I’ve listened to at least two-thirds of them, and this one is my favorite so far – favorite episode, favorite guest.

    Mrs. Protopapas: I was recommending this episode at Identity Dixie yesterday, and one of my selling points to our readers was that your northern accent reminds me of Estelle Getty’s character – Sophia – on the old t.v. sitcom, The Golden Girls, from decades gone by. Not just your accent, but your feistiness as well. I was saying too that, while I’m generally not a fan of podcasts that go over an hour in length, I enjoyed listening to this one the entire two hours+ it lasted; and, moreover, had it been three hours long, I’d have listened to the end with pleasure and, no doubt, would have still desired more. I hope Rebecca will ask you on again in the not too distant future, and that you will accept the invitation. Also, I’ll definitely be ordering my copy of your book from Shotwell Publishing in the meantime (I made a mistake a while back and ordered Ann Wilson Smith’s book, Charlottesville Untold, on Amazon, then it later dawned on me what I’d done purchasing from Amazon that which is available at Shotwell. Duh!).

    God Bless both of you fine ladies, and thank you for your invaluable work.

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