Dissident Mama, episode 59 – Kaleb of Atlanta

Kaleb of Atlanta, a.k.a. Patriarch Prime, is an Orthodox Christian, a writer, and a popular Twitter provocateur who has recently landed in the woke cross hairs. Kaleb says his “intent is to spread the Orthodox Faith to African Americans,” but the straightforward, bold evangelism of this “maker of many radicals” crosses all racial lines and is simply way too effective for left-wing subversives who thrive upon dissension and destruction.

Kaleb and I talk about the tweet that got him in such hot heterodox water, evangelism in the Orthosphere, the danger of doxxing, what it means to be “radicalized by Patriarch Prime,” bias against Orthodox converts, his conversion to the Faith, the gaslighting “religion experts” known as Fordhamites, and more.

You can follow and direct message Kaleb on Twitter and read his articles at Medium. Other links pertaining our conversation include:

A prominent SPLC propagandist taking notice of Prime’s “triggering” tweet;

A Fordhamite grrrrrl claiming that this “young man from the American South” is a “threat to democracy” and a “threat to Orthodoxy and the authority of the Church”;

And my essay “Stirring the pot” which features a few shout-outs to Kaleb as a brave defender of the Ludwell Orthodox Fellowship, agape love, and good ol’ fashioned common sense.

Download this podcast episode, watch on Odysee or YouTube, or listen here. 👇

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  1. T.Morris

    Good episode, and good guest. To Kaleb:

    If it’s any consolation, I’ve personally been called an “incel” any number of times while arguing with infanticidal women and their White Knight male defenders on various forums online. When I explain that I’ve been married 36 years and have eight (8) children, as well as nine (9) grandchildren and counting, they invariably descend into the depths of saying my wife must be an “ugly b*tch” as well as a stupid one to boot, and other “mean and hurtful” things like that. LOL. Of course, two of the things that attracted me to my wife as a young man was her physical beauty and her intelligence. She retains both in her “old age,” so of course I actually get kind of a kick out of their making such assumptions about her. And we all know what they say about doing that – it makes an ASS out of U and ME.

    Concerning doxxing and the infamous, hate-obsessed SPLC: I’ve said for a long time that it would disappoint me very much to learn that I in fact am NOT on their “hate watch” list. But I know I’m on it, and have been for quite some time. Since before – several years before, in fact – I started writing articles for Identity Dixie. If I weren’t on their list, I’d feel like I wasn’t doing my small part to speak truth.

    Thanks for the show. Enjoyed listening in.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      TM, thanks for listening and reaching out to both me and Kaleb. Like I always say, if you’re not being called some kinda “ist,” you’re probably part of the problem. Getting under the skin of lefty hatemongers esp on the SPLC level is indeed quite a feather in anyone’s cap. Stay tough out there, brother, and keep on speaking truth. Cheers!

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