Dissident Mama, episode 57 – Ryan Dawson

Ryan Dawson is the creator of The Anti-Neocon Report. The blogger, podcaster, filmmaker, and author of two books, “Welcome to the USSA” and “The Separation of Business and State,” has been involved in political activism for more than two decades. Dawson’s content has been featured by the likes of George Galloway and Pat Buchanan, and has garnered him appearances on TV, from Russia Today and CNN to The Daily Show and Al Jazeera.

Dawson’s hard-hitting material has roused much elitist ire over the years, so much so that he’s had numerous YouTube channel’s deleted, most notably one that had accrued 81,000 subscribers and 4,000-plus videos with a total of 30 million views. The North Carolina native and unapologetic advocate for the South now lives with his wife and children in Japan where he’s also a Goodwill Ambassador for the state of Nara.

The two of us talk about censorship and alternative media, “holocaust denial” and 9/11, the scourge of Californians, Stinkin’ Lincoln, the Yankee Empire’s “moral” wars, being pro-Russia, the ingredients of a John Wilkes Booth Cocktail, and more.

Download this podcast episode, watch on Odysee or YouTube, or listen here. 👇

It was challenging trying to track down some links that encapsulate Dawson’s prolific career, not only because he’s been at this a long time and on many diverse platforms, but also because much of his work has either been erased or buried. Some of Dawson’s older videos can be found at Alt Censored; and some interviews during his stint as host of Geopolitics with Ryan Dawson, a show on FBI-whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds’ Boiling Frogs Post, are available; as are a couple episodes when he was fill-in host for Mike Rivero’s What Really Happened Radio.

These days, you can find all of Dawson’s new content, films, and ways to follow him at the ANC Report homepage. Also of note are Dawson Time, a website that offers more history-based content, including videos by Dawson and his twin brother Scott, who’s an amateur archaeologist and historian; and Dawson on Reed Coverdale’s monthly show The Four Horseman. Be sure to check out my current series “Russia-Ukraine: Through a Dixian lens,” which just so happens to feature the rendition of “Dixie” sung in Russian that Dawson mentions in our conversation.

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  1. Copperhead

    Haha yes! I loved the John Wilkes Booth cocktail reference lol.

    John Wilkes Booth: Had racist views, shot a man – ULTIMATE VILLAIN

    Abraham Lincoln: Had racist views, initiated a catastrophic war to prevent secession, murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans, wanted to deport blacks to Liberia, destroyed the 10th amendment, the suspension of habeas corpus, his Union blockade made made medicine contraband, imprisoned tens of thousands of Northerners, shut down over 300 papers, confiscated private firearms, rigged his presidential election and other Northern election, initiated a draft, murdered draft protestors, divided Virginia for an electoral advantage, micromanaged his generals and soldiers plundering Southern civilian towns and bombarding them to the ground, nationalized railroads, supported that nasty Morrill Tariff which sent Northern businessmen into hysteria and prompted them to start advocating war, National Banking Act, use of greenbacks, his army was genocidal towards Native Americans during and after the war, created an income tax, used water torture on Northern prisoners in the gulags that he threw them in, many historians finally admitting that Edwin Stanton may have signed an assassination order to have Ulrich Dahlgren assassinate Jefferson Davis in 1864… – ULTIMATE HERO

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Tell us what you really think, Copperhead! 😂 Seriously, I love the way you laid it all out there – just the straightforward facts that so many people don’t know about. If we all keep on hammering away, perhaps one day we will crack the veneer of the Lincoln death cult.

    1. Post
  2. Based Boomer

    Again, yet another great interview to add to your repertoire. Keep it rolling!!
    I grow so weary of the abundance of these out of touch servant leader soy Neocons and their sellout world view that parallels the elitist leftists and globalists, but especially the bevy of vacuous Neocon wannabe feminist/cotton candy Christian women commentators (Tomi Lahren 😳). Thank God there are some Based/Paleocon leaning chicks left like Michelle Malkin, Lana Lokteff, and of course yourself and Rachel Wilson (and both of you being Orthodox ☦️ a major +). I’ve been around for 64 years now (late in life convert from Protestantism to Orthodoxy), I never married, and I was more or less convinced that feminism and liberalism had ravished and destroyed the last several generations of women, but when I see and hear common sense and truth coming from yourself and these others, it gives me hope for the future.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      BB, what a lovely comment for an old, tired content-creator to read. I too get bummed about the current chaotic state of women, so I totally get where you’re coming from. What an honor to be listed in such notable company as the fiery dames you mentioned. I am pleased beyond belief that my work here gives you hope … that, in turn, gives me hope (and motivation to keep on going with DM), as well. So thank you! 💗

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