Dissident Mama, episode 56 – Rachel Wilson

Rachel Wilson is an Orthodox Christian, a wife, mother of five children, and a homeschooling advocate, hence, her social-media moniker Based Homeschool Mom. Wilson is author of the new book “Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women’s Liberation” and is also a licensed firearms instructor. You can keep up with all of Wilson’s work at LinkTree.

Wilson and I talk motherhood, Victorian-Era transcendentalism, luciferianism and eugenics, the suffragettes, the South, the CIA, the Social Gospel, TikTok anti-natalists, Hunter Biden’s back tattoo, and more.

Download this episode, watch on Odysee or YouTube, or listen here.

A few of my essays which are relevant to our conversation:
When your sons smash the misandry
The Women’s March is a sham
The “mystique” of feminism’s red roots
Knock that chip off your shoulders, pussies!
Hey grrrls, you’re not as irreplaceable as you think
Real women don’t MARCH, we DO!

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  1. Based Boomer

    Yet again a great guest and interview. I’ve heard Based Homeschool Mom before.
    Especially good to hear about her and her family’s journey into Orthodoxy. I can relate personally as an exvangelical who came to Orthodoxy later in life. A testimony of God’s grace that Rachel didn’t end up yet another tempestuous single mother in a seeker sensitive megachurch, or worse yet, a Beth Moore/Karen Swallow Prior/the late Rachel Held Evans mouthpiece for evangeleftism/feminism.
    Keep up the excellent and exhaustive work, DM.

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  2. Earl Starbuck

    Mrs. Wilson has a very skewed view of Protestantism. Most of the teachings she criticizes are examples of heresy, apostasy, and socinian conventicles, not of Protestant orthodoxy. Moreover, she misunderstands the teachings she correctly attributes to Protestantism, such as salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone, which most certainly does *not* teach that works are meaningless. Works are performed in obedience to God out of love for Him (John 14:15), as a method of worshiping and glorifying Him by carrying out the dominion mandate (Gen. 1:28), and as part of the process of sanctification. Works are evidences of salvific faith (see 1 John).

    Furthermore, to lump the American Revolution, French Revolution, Enlightenment, and Protestant Reformation into the same category is to draw a false equivalency. The ability of the laity to read the inerrant Word of God in their own language, which is unquestionably both an immeasurable blessing and a necessity for growing in one’s personal relationship with the Saviour, is the result of the Protestant Reformation. The Enlightenment produced a couple of good ideas, a host of bad ideas, and a great deal of what the Apostle Paul called “vain philosophy” (looking at you, Voltaire). The French Revolution gave us bloodbath after bloodbath (Robespierre and Bonaparte), and a host of derivative revolutionary movements and violent crackpot theorists (Marx, the Bolsheviks, Mao, etc). The American Revolution is comparable to the Protestant Reformation in that both movements were concerned with restoring something back to its correct state: correct interpretation and application of God’s Word on the one hand, and correct interpretation and application of the British Constitution on the other.

    No sound Protestant church affirms premarital cohabitation or extramarital sexual activity. That blatantly and directly contradicts both the Word of God and every Protestant reformer (Luther, Calvin, Knox, etc). Indeed, such activities on the part of many Roman Catholic priests was the basis for Luther’s attack on clerical celibacy. The Oneida cultists and other such wackadoos (looking at you, Ralph Waldo Emerson) were apostates, heretics, and false teachers. None of them are in any way representative of orthodox Protestant doctrine. Like the woke fools, CRT peddlers, and Social Justice Gospel prophets, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing sent by Satan to plague God’s people.

  3. T. Morris

    Just listened to this this morning. It’s great! I only wish I’d listened to it prior to writing Sacred Motherhood, and Meet the New Feminism – Same as the Old Feminism at Identity Dixie recently; had I done so, I’d have linked back to this interview in one or both of those articles.

    When Mrs. Wilson mentions the oft-repeated feminist claims that “it’s just about equality,” she is referring to what I call “Motte & Bailey Feminism.” There is also what I call “Motte & Bailey Occultism” that operates under the same principle; I’ve written about both numerous times in the past for my kids at their private blog, and plan to write about them in the future for broader dissemination at ID.

    I’m glad I scrolled down the page and found this interview. Too few women are aware of the true history of feminism, and fewer still talk about it publicly if they are aware of it. Laura Wood at The Thinking Housewife has been talking about it for many years, but she is one of the few.

    I’m sharing this link with everyone in my little family group, and I am going to purchase and read the book.

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      Dissident Mama

      Well, T, you know what this means? That you’re just going to have to come on the ol’ DM podcast sometime later this summer! Think about it. I’m thrilled too that you enjoyed this interview and will be getting Rachel’s book. It really it a fine piece of work. And last but not least, I’ve never hear of Laura Wood so I will definitely be checking out The Thinking Housewife per your suggestion. Stay based, brother. 🥰

      1. T. Morris

        DM (Rebecca – I have a daughter named Rebecca Grace, did I ever tell you that? Well, anyway…), yes, that could be arranged, definitely. Although, I must forewarn you that I have never been a guest on ANY podcast, (1), and (2), I have this “thing” about listening a lot more than I talk, so, unlike several of your guests, you might have to apply the ol’ cattle prod to get me to talk in such a podcast.

        Mrs. Wood (Laura) & I have been good online friends dating back to our mutual VFR days in 2007-08. She’s solid on this subject and several more, and, she’s actually been a guest on podcasts before. She would make a much better (more interesting, etc.) guest than me on this particular subject, among several others. I could help facilitate such a podcast if it would help. …

  4. Pingback: Rachel Wilson on the Dissident Mama Podcast - Identity Dixie

  5. Benjamin

    Damn… I was super into the occult / esoterica stuff even up until a few years ago, and even I was unaware of how much it factored into the womens “liberation” (technically a correct term; women being “liberated” from being women) movement.

    Had previously assumed it was mainly 2nd and 3rd wave feminism and came to the New Age (Westernized Hinduism, Fr Sephirium Rose goes into this in his excellent “Orthodoxy And The Religion Of The Future” book) counter-cultural stuff coming from the 1960s… but nope.

    I read the Rachael’s Substack post on “sissy hypno” porn and MK-ULTRA brainwashing. Was interesting to see she cited the Feminist Current author Genevieve Gluck. Check out her “Whose Body Is It?” YouTube channel. Despite the feminist underpinnings, its one of the few podcasts where you have genuinely smart people talking about the estoeric under-pinnings of trans-genderism and how that factors into the whole trans-humanism Great Reset globalist eat-ze-bugs NWO thing.



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      Dissident Mama

      Thanks for the suggestions, Benjamin. I will check those out. And like you said, everything goes so much deeper than even the obvious ’60s subversion. It’s almost as if the evil-doers have been at this for a long, long time. 😉 Thank God for people who do the digging and are brave enough to tell the truth, and people who are open-minded enough (ie not utterly brainwashed) to look and listen and connect the dots.

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