Dissident Mama, episode 5 – Musonius Rufus

Episode 5 features Musonius Rufus, co-host of the Rebel Yell podcast. The Identity Dixie front man is used to asking the questions, but today, it’s my turn! And as always, Rufus has lots of fascinating insights and enlightening experiences to share. Please join us for this intriguing discussion with a man whose motto is “Secede in your mind.”

Check out this episode!

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  1. Terry Morris

    Great show, great guest yet again, DM. Bravo!

    You’re right, I believe, that Identity Dixie is a great site that provides and/or hosts great content. Rufus seems to be just an all-around great guy; someone whose character and vision and overall world and life view I identify with in lots of ways. He’s right about the effect military service has on a young man of a Conservative or a Traditionalist bent; it contributed to turning me into the monster I’ve become. Ha, ha. Doesn’t have that effect on anyone else, though. Even when I was in (early ’90s) the military was a harbinger of all that is wrong with ‘Merica in 2020. But it goes back farther than that. My father was totally against my joining the military when I did, and tried to warn me off the idea based on his own experiences in the USN during the Vietnam era, but I didn’t listen. I always knew I would join the military in any case because both sides of my family has a long tradition of military service, as is the case with many of us of Southron extraction. But anyway,…

    I got a kick out of Rufus’s apparent love of the term “wackadoodle.” I just thought it was kind of funny he kept saying it over and over again. But he’s right that the SPLC is a wacko organization; an asylum, as they say, run by the craziest of its inmates. There is a writer at the Tulsa World newspaper (the leading leftist rag in Oklahoma) named Mike Jones. Jones ought to apply for work at the SPLC because he shills for them constantly in his columns. He writes idiotic stuff like “anyone who thinks racism is not a problem in America needs to peruse the SPLC website.” I used to mock him all the time for saying goofy crap like that; I’d send him emails asking, “does your brain go on vacation when you say stuff like this, or are you really that dense?” But he knows who his audience is and that they *are* in fact that dense. Come to think of it, maybe he *is* employed by the SPLC. Wouldn’t doubt it for a second.

    I saw the SPLC hit piece they did on ID doxxing Rufus and others right after Identity Dixie went down last summer. I did a Google search trying to find out what exactly was going on with the site, and the SPLC hit piece came up at the top of my search.This is the first time I’ve mentioned it anywhere, but since Rufus was willing to talk about it on the podcast, I guess it’s safe to mention it in the comments here. At the time I was of course alarmed by it – the doxing in particular – so I quietly sent an email to one of the leaders containing a link to the SPLC article and basically saying, ‘y’all be careful; the lunatics at the SPLC are out to destroy you. Watch your six.’

    There’s no escape from it, though. Not if you’re a serious dissident, there isn’t. That is why I write under my real name when you boil it all down. I’m basically saying to my enemies – to our enemies – “here I am; do your worst.” Not to be crass, but a woman (an antifa) somehow got my email address a couple years back and sent me a threatening letter saying she knew where I lived, and would be coming to visit me for the purpose of “cutting your n*ts out.” LOL Stuff like that doesn’t bother me much. I just replied that she’d best not bring a knife to a gun fight, and informed her that, on my little piece of ground I’m the meanest sumb*tch she will have ever run up against.

    I started an Oath Keepers group out in McAlester, OK back in 2010. There were about fifty guys in our little group and it was growing rapidly when the feds got alarmed and sent a guy and his son to infiltrate the group. This person gave himself away almost right away by virtue of his over-enthusiasm for all things Oath Keepers. I’ll never forget the night I met with him at his house (he had rented a house close to the prison) and told him straight up, ‘look, I know what you’re doing and who you’re doing it for. Nothing here to see, so why don’t you just move on.’ Next thing I know the guys in my group are falling like flies, then the state leadership began to fall (by “fall,” I mean they dropped out all of a sudden for no apparent reason) one by one, scared to death the feds were coming to get them. Then all of a sudden, poof!, he and his son were gone, never to be seen in or around McAlester again. Mission accomplished, I guess. At that point, I just started doing my own thing again. I’m not sure there’s an answer because the feds are like cockroaches; they have people everywhere. If there is an answer, though, Rufus and Co. seem to have latched onto it…

    1. Dissident Mama

      Never read Mike Jones, thank the good Lord, but I searched up the news org and apparently they’re owned my Lee Enterprises Inc, which also owns “75 daily newspapers and approximately 350 specialty publications in 26 states,” including the Richmond Times-Dispatch – the paper of my hometown growing up and one that continues to tweak my “bad journalism” spidey senses every doggone time I am unfortunate enough to read it. Lee went bankrupt and was “saved” by Warren Buffet, and recently through their Berkshire Hathaway pimp, Lee has acquired BH Media Group and their many dying, leftist print rags. The stupid Washington Post always wants to talk about “Democracy dies in darkness,” but it’s journalism that’s dying right here in front of our eyes and in the broad daylight. This is why the corporate media and their handlers want to crush dissenting opinion and call facts hate and destroy people via guilt-by-accusation. The Evil One is greatly pleased by the dimness and murkiness of it all. He is the Prince of Darkness after all.

      In an effort to foster more transparency, I recently “revealed” my real name on the DM About page. So if anyone cares to look, there I am. That’s also why I put myself in the “Clyde Wilson part-4” feature image – well, that and I didn’t have any other photo options, lol. I’m not naive and know I wasn’t hard to find out anyway, so I figured that since I stand behind every blog post I’ve ever written and I pray for our enemies – truly, they need Jesus big time – I might as well. If the puritanical-progressives and anarcho-tyrants don’t like my words or the cut of my jib, they can surely stick it where the sun don’t shine. Bless their hearts.

      And yes, subversives are everywhere, which is why my standard for building bridges, fostering relationships, and strengthening the fight for tradition and against cultural Marxism is this: Unless a person is Southern without apology and/or sympathetic to the plight of Dixie (smart non-Southern folk who are allies) AND a little “o” orthodox Christian (meaning Jesus Christ is the center of their
      life, not social justice or some idol of the right), they should probably not be trusted. These fakers take advantage of the good nature of Southerners and the kindness of Christians, coupled with the frustration and loneliness people feel in having a godless and satanic society (in which we have no
      power and seem to have no say) shoved down their throats. There’s a special place in hell for people who pretend to be a friend or like-minded in some way, only to use the good nature of a person against them in order to enrich themselves, stroke their egos, and literally help the enemy. I pray that they’ll either find Christ, realize the error of their ways and repent, or they’ll end up getting their due while in bed with the devil. I trust God to sort it out, and meanwhile, I damn well am not going quietly into that good night. And neither are you, which is why I like you so much. 🙂 Deo vindice, good sir.

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