Dissident Mama, episode 15 – José Niño

Episode 15 features José Niño, a brilliant young thinker who doesn’t pull punches. The policy analyst and writer has more than a decade of experience as a political operative, working with major organizations on a host of political issues, from gun rights to foreign policy. Niño’s articles have been featured at influential outlets, such as Ammo.com, Gunpowder Magazine, The Mises Institute, Business Insider, InfoWars, and Zero Hedge. You can read more of his provocative essays and purchase his two e-books “The 10 Myths of Gun Control” and “How Socialism Destroyed Venezuela” at JoseAlNino.com.

Niño and I chat about his fascinating bio, as well as the hot topics of an immigration moratorium, color revolutions abroad, cultural Marxism here at home, US military hegemony, José’s Laws, and how best to build dissident resistance in order to battle the twin scourges of domestic anarcho-tyranny and “globohomo fuckery.”

Mentioned in our discussion are two of Niño’s most recent pieces: “With the US Rocked by a Pandemic, It’s Time to Leave Afghanistan” at AntiWar.com and “Here’s How the GOP Can Make Inroads With Hispanics: Pursue a National Populist Agenda and Avoid Cringe-Inducing Hispandering” at American Greatness.

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  1. Thomas

    I did find Mr. Niño interesting and perceptive in the ways of people as brought out by DM’s questioning. I have read many of his articles published by the Mises Institute in 2018 and 2019 which I found to be interesting.

    His statement of the threat to our well being as a society of different people wanting different things (subjective valuation not the diversity which is in vogue) was understood. He may be right.

    However, just because he has seen it before in Venezuela, which has a very different history from that of the United States, does not mean it will happen here. My sense is that Venezuela is far more monolithic than we are or have ever been. Venezuela welcomed Hugo Chávez who was promising much the same that Fidel Castro had delivered. That the people of Venezuela could not see what they were getting based on a common language example is truly sad.

    Our situation is far different. Our Progressives are theoretical socialists of the thinnest kind which they demonstrate via their iPhones. Our intellectual diversity is far broader even if largely polarized currently because of the actions of those Progressives. José Niño may not have absorbed the lessons of Mises, viz., that we can only judge people by their actions, not by their perceived attitudes, nor by our assessment of their psychology or motivations, nor by our perception or even knowledge of their intelligence, etc. That is, the Progressives are a thin gruel, noisy though they may be. That so many are now buying guns speaks to their lack of conviction in their so-called principles, let alone any demonstrated ability to implement what they claim to desire.

    I trust that Mr. Niño will update his assessment of our predicted path as information becomes available. The next major sea change in that available data will be after our presidential and congressional elections. Given what I have heard, I expect him to make hay with that.

    1. Dissident Mama

      Your points are right on, Thomas. I especially love your point of Murica’s progressives being “theoretical socialists.” I often call them Bolsheviks, but they don’t have the knowledge or balls or even same “principles” (if you can call them that) of the Russian revolutionaries. However, what I do fear is that the same people who funded (and support through the institutions) the Bolsheviks and Chavez and the color revolutions and everything else subversive and globalist are the very same ilk. The motivations and psychology of the foot soldiers may be different, but they’re not the ones pulling the strings. THAT is what scares me – not the snake in the bed, but the person who put the damn thing in my bed in the first place.

      But like you said, we shall see. I mean, if Biden wins, the theory is it’ll be like covid never existed and the lefty terrorists will be put down since they’re anarcho-tyranny will no longer be needed. Not sure about either of those, but as always, we shall see. Thank you so much for your insightful comment. Stay tough out there!!

  2. Jonathan Ferguson

    So is Mr. Niño a “Dreamer”? I am extremely ambivalent towards him. He took up a slot and probably some scholarships at the University of Texas that should have gone to an American. His family likely cost the US taxpayer a significant amount of money. If his father worked, he helped drive down American wages and/or took a job that could have supported an American family. By occupying housing, his family helped drive up rents for American families. Through affirmative action, he’s probably gotten jobs that a more qualified American was denied.

    It’s always tempting to say ‘look at my based person of color over here’ but Americans shouldn’t have to hide behind ‘based’ negroes or latinos in order to defend our nation from the genocidal globalist vermin who are dispossessing and ethnically cleansing us from the nation our ancestors built. I’ll make an exception for Michelle Malkin, because she is a truly great orator, almost Coulteresque. But you had better bring something REALLY special if you want to be an exception to the rule.

    1. Dissident Mama

      Jonathan, I believe that Jose’s parents came to the US legally and so he’s not a Dreamer. I get your ambivalence, but I’ll take a Jose Nino over the hordes of legacy Americans who hate themselves and want to purge us of our ancestral heritage and history because they are nihilistic automatons. He may have benefited from affirmative action, but it is duped and do-gooder white people’s fault that affirmative action even exists. Diversity and inclusion schemes may be the snake in the bed, but who put the snake there is the real question, in my opinion. His family had the wherewithal to flee tyranny before it really took hold and his is a good “exception to the rule” story, since he understands better than most (including many “conservative” white folks) the dangers of socialism and the threat that is globohomo and it’s imperial, God-crushing, Southern-smashing pursuits. Sometimes it takes an “outsider” to wake people the hell up. And I think Jose is such a person. Moreover, I may one day flee Murica and be an outsider somewhere, and I hope to use my outsider knowledge to warn my new friends and neighbors about the evils of Western libertinism, materialism, consumerism, faithlessness, corporatism and its favorite export LBGT-pedo pride.

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