Broken bumper

In addition to courting “Hispanic Americans” (as described in my last post Open-borders “Bumper”), Jacob Hornberger is also targeting black voters in his bid for the Libertarian Party nomination for president. The diversity force is strong with this one.

It’s a black thing

Hornberger says the Drug War is “racially bigoted” and that he will be drawing on the work of civil rights attorney Michelle Alexander, who purports that disproportionately high black incarceration rates are due to colorblindness but also to “racial indifference (defined as a lack of compassion and caring about race and racial groups).” Sounds positively post-modern and intentionally confusing, don’t it?

But from what I can tell, Alexander isn’t one of those academics who says “statistics are racist” – a progressive view asserting that data and numbers-gathering must be done “qualitatively,” not “quantitatively.” You know, these are the same folks gnashing their teeth that FBI crime stats show that black men commit violent crimes at much higher rates than do their white counterparts. So, mathematical calculations must be bigoted, right?

Oddly, Alexander admits that “it is a virtual statistical inevitability that if you’re raised in that [inner-city] community, you too will someday serve time behind bars.” Yet, she describes this as the “New Jim Crow,” obviously insinuating that the cause is systemic racism (read: white privilege, especially regarding those racists in Dixie). So really, six of one, half a dozen of the other with this gal.

Predictably, Alexander’s prescription to mitigate this “system of racial and social control” and to help those “poor communities of color” is to increase “access” to public housing, food stamps, government schools, and other tax-payer-subsidized benefits. These are not libertarian principles, nor have these “civil rights” swindles ever improved the lives of the people they claim to want to help. The hubris of the social engineers knows no bounds.

While I agree with Hornberger that the Drug War has been an utter failure, that locking people up for non-violent crimes is not the best answer to the problem, and that “drug addiction belongs in the private sector,” I do not believe that the “drug war also happens to be the most racist government program since segregation, given that its adverse consequences have fallen disproportionately on African-Americans.”

And I most certainly don’t see it as productive to base one’s position on the work of an anti-whiteness elite like Alexander, who says white people are “complicit” and have to “do more” for racial harmony. Alexander also praises the anti-racist radical and anti-Christian zealot Tim Wise for “raising consciousness and challenging white folks … to think about the meaning and significance of white privilege and what white folks have a responsibility to do in this time.”

Not sure how a guy can consistently call for individual liberty and for an end to welfare when he’s allying with a collectivist social-justice warrior and citing Jay Z as a voice of reason. Then again, Hornberger says his campaign is all about “African-Americans, Latinos, and other racial minorities,” so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

He’s right about the “partisan” ploy

Hornberger is 100% correct when he says that it’s both political parties screwing us over. Ironically, I would say that this undeniable reality is best illustrated when it comes to open borders – a position that Hornberger fervently promotes. Today, Democrats see immigrants as useful idiots who will line their voter rolls, and Republicans see immigrants as cheap labor for businesses who will then line their pockets.

Meanwhile, the overwhelming perception is that Democrats are the party of open borders, since their position is the long con for full and perpetual political domination of the state. The GOP, on the other hand, is just exhibiting high-time preference in order to placate crony-capitalists and make a little (or a lot) of money in doing so.

Interestingly, when there was in the recent past a sizable opposition to mass migration, it came from Democrats, who “generally took the harder line on immigration, even if neither national party offered steady resistance,” explained retired humanities professor Paul Gottfried.

“Although both parties voted for the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965,” he continued, “a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats voted for that legislation in Congress.” You simply must read his article “Trump and Old-Time Democrats.” It will totally bust the conventional thinking that Dems have always been open-borders zealots, and Republicans have always been America-first defenders.

Unfortunately, we now have few “leaders” who put culture first. Washington is the party of oligarchs, who view we normal folk as pawns for their statist and globalist skulduggery. They don’t promote self-determination and social order because they’ve built their entire careers on the planned chaos of racial, ethnic, gender, and religious division. And open borders is the key.

I’m no political purist

I know some of you are thinking this regarding my strong stance against Hornberger, but what I really am is a realist and a traditionalist. Sure, decreasing my sons’ debt bondage through economic improvements would be nice, but I think that’s a far-fetched assumption that this would ever even materialize considering Hornberger’s social-justice leanings on immigration and the drug war, as well as his pandering to “people of color.” But even if it were attainable, what would be the human cost?

After all, my sons’ economic oppression is not solely to due to high taxation for foreign wars and welfare (both individual and corporate) alone. It’s also due to education-squelching and career-crushing diversity-and-inclusion schemes, affirmative action, and the growing prevalence of socially acceptable, corporate-championed, and state-sponsored anti-whiteness, ALL of which are already exasperated by runaway immigration and “anti-racism” activism. This should be a no-brainer, but my sons lives would be made even worse by wide open borders and policies that blame whitey for every social ill.

To me, absolutely nothing trumps culture. Nothing. I’d rather be poor and have real community than be prosperous and live among strangers, especially ones who see me as the reason for their woes and want my stuff. I’d rather be without Amazon Prime and even delicious microbrews than I would have my history erased, my ancestors spat upon, my symbols razed, my guns taken away, my speech censored, my faith threatened, and my sons’ futures diminished. And I’m not alone in this thinking.

It reminds me of an August episode of the Tom Woods Show in which Woods interviews libertarian vlogger Julie Borowski. Both were bemoaning the fact that topics which trend well on social media typically aren’t about economics, but rather are about “SJWs and culture wars,” as Borowski described.

“I wonder if that’s partly because the economy has been doing okay,” Woods speculated. “Maybe the obsession – I’m not saying that these aren’t important issues – but maybe the almost exclusive focus on cultural issues is kind of a luxury we have because the economy is kind of okay, people can afford the leisure to just talk about stuff like this, whereas if you’re watching the value of your stock portfolio plunge by 50%, maybe you don’t care so much about what the SJWs are up to.”

Nope. It’s because even after 150 years of reconstruction and progressive unfolding, most folks still intuitively know that culture has more value than does money. Economics is about people after all, and it’s those people who have determined that culture has worth. In fact, it is human history that proves time and time again that culture is priceless.

In economic terms, the Austrian School would call this “subjective theory of value,” meaning that objective price mechanisms can work to a point, but then those pesky human tastes, preferences, and biases get in the way. Turns out that people value things subjectively and that plays out in all aspects of life. As Ludwig von Mises said, “Human action is purposeful behavior.”

Broken bumper

I’m not sure why Hornberger’s friends call him “Bumper,” but what I do know is that a bumper is defined as “a device for absorbing shock or preventing damage,” but it seems to me, Hornberger would not be preventing damage at all and nothing could ever absorb the insurmountable shock of wide-open borders and increased anti-whiteness among an already angry, disfunctioning, self-absorbed, and splintered polyglot of people groups. This tells me that the bumper’s broken. Badly.

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  1. Billy Ray

    I’ve come to understand that libertarianism isn’t compatible with democracy. The philosophies are fundamentally opposed to each other. Therefore, the whole idea of a “Libertarian Party” is just an exercise in silliness. In that case this Hornburger fellow sounds like he’ll fit right in.

    1. disqus_3BrONUAJno

      With the fascist attitude that you just exhibited, you should be working for Trump.
      You know as little about the LP as anyone else I’ve met that has no knowledge of it.
      Jacob Hornberger has probably been active in the libertarian movement since long before your mommy got you out of nappies. I have been since the mid 1980s. You?

    2. a Texas libertarian

      I agree with you, but how else do we get out from underneath a democracy other than local infiltration and secession? To do that, you have to get people elected into positions of authority. To do that, you need a political party.

      The only alternatives are bloodshed or acceptance of perpetual subjugation.

      1. Billy Ray

        “The only alternatives are bloodshed or acceptance of perpetual subjugation.”


        The third option is both the best and most unlikely: everyone spontaneously comes to their senses and decides a peaceful separation is in order. There would still probably be a little blood in this scenario. Think the collapse of the Soviet Union.

        Long story short, the only pill left after the black pill is the God pill. May He have mercy upon our souls.

  2. disqus_3BrONUAJno

    “Not. Gonna. Do. It.” looks pretty much like colloquial SJW stuff to me.
    Something tells me that DM wasn’t called Dissident Mama before she started menstruating the way that Bumper was called that before he started school. That doesn’t take away from the fact that using ones childhood nickname as a hook to demean him is pretty childish in and of itself.
    Really, have you nothing mature to pontificate about?
    It was interesting to see the Planned Parenthood advertisement on your website just now.

    1. Dissident Mama

      Okay, I’m utterly confused. Why is colloquial a bad thing? Is this similar to you being triggered by GIFs? Moreover, I assume you’re referring to my newsletter, when I said I wasn’t going to support an open-borders candidate and used a simple rhetorical device to illustrate my passion. Who cares?

      Dude, I’m not making fun of the man for his nickname. I’m critiquing his open-borders and seemingly anti-white positions. Have you ever heard of alliteration? That’s from where the first post’s title was originated. And then I thought about what a bumper actually is supposed to do when writing the second blog. That’s called introspection and word play, and I thought it was pretty clever. If he wasn’t pro-mass immigration and basing some of his positions on the garbage pushed by egalitarian schemers like Alexander, I may have used his nickname in another way, like “Bumper’s the Bomb” or “A bumper to prevent America’s collision course.” Alas, that was not the case.

      Again, if you wanna grow the LP, I wouldn’t go around telling chicks they’re “menstruating” just because you don’t like something they say. Isn’t it the bigwigs in the LP who say the party has to be more welcoming to women and all that diversity-and-inclusion bullshit? Jeez, try some honey instead of vinegar there, buddy.

      And finally, I have no idea what you’re talking about in reference to PP. My site doesn’t even have ads. I wish it did, but I sure wouldn’t take money from those murderers. You must have some kind of ad bar on your computer or something. Not sure. But I do think Billy Ray may be right that you’re not that familiar with my blog since I’ve written a great deal about the evil of abortion, especially this past summer.

      Man, I really thought we could hash this out. Bummer. But at least you finally admitted to what offended you about my Hornberger critiques: he’s your friend and you have an emotional attachment. And here I thought libertarianism was supposed to be a philosophy based upon logic. Guess not.

      1. disqus_3BrONUAJno

        GIFs are for illiteracy, because they lack any specificity, like posting single words.
        You did make fun of Bumper because of his nickname.
        How is open border anti-white? Do you hold, as those in the confederacy did, that coloreds are sub-human?
        I walked away from the LP when it was taken over by Republicans fleeing the neo-cons. I couldn’t care less about the LP, because there are few libertarians in it anymore. I couldn’t tell you what the bigwigs in any party say.
        If it matters that I’m familiar with your blog or not, why would you want dialogue?
        Bumper is no more my friend than any other libertarian that I haven’t seen since I walked away.
        Libertarianism ceased being a party of liberty when fascists took it over. It was never a party of logic, which is why Ayn Rand blew it off.
        When does the dialogue begin? So far all we are doing is trading insults.

          1. disqus_3BrONUAJno

            It seems your southern belle persona is going distinctly fascistic in its ad homenistic approach. I guess that is where utter confusion proceeds to in your intellect.
            One more childish outburst and you’ll join Billy boy.

  3. a1b2y25z26

    It’s “Steve” again. I want to commend and congratulate you on the intellectual and scholarly excellence of your writings. This whole ” Libertarianism ” thing ? I visualize an analogy in the form of an historical fiction: A group gathers in one of the upper-deck saloons on the RMS Titanic – 45 minutes after the Iceberg. Avidly and gravely do they discuss the ship’s future voyages on the primary Atlantic steamship routes and how the vessel’s future will undoubtedly be substantially improved by the adoption by the crew of all the ideas outlined in the new opus, ” PRINCIPLES OF STEAM NAVIGATION FOR IMPROVED PERFORMANCE AND PROFIT ” . We leave them sitting there,happily talking,babbling and gibbering away,and that marks the end of my little reverie. [ I shall send to you a modest online donation,as I like a courageous person. ] .

    1. Dissident Mama

      Steve, my man! It’s like when Ann Coulter said nearly 7 years ago: “libertarians are pussies.”

      Most of the current libertarians that I follow I don’t think even fit that classical liberal label anymore. It just doesn’t square with history, human nature, and the post-modern sludge, which is the result of godless Enlightenment thinking and “unregulated” capitalism (as the Southern Agrarians would call it) that we must trudge through every damn day.

      I am heartened by the bridges built between conservative Coulter and libertarian Justin Raimondo before his death, specifically because she’s become way more critical of Murica (meaning the Deep State) than she had ever been previously, and Raimondo had more of a realistic to the limitations of political philosophy alone.

      So, yeah. I totally agree with you. It’s not that we don’t need thinkers. I mean, it is their shoulders that we stand upon. But eventually, there must be action. Reaction. Dissatisfaction. Some *thing* to move the ball down the court, not just coaches waxing philosophical on the sideline.

  4. a Texas libertarian

    “I’d rather be without Amazon Prime and even delicious microbrews than I would have my history erased, my ancestors spat upon, my symbols razed, my guns taken away, my speech censored, my faith threatened, and my sons’ futures diminished. And I’m not alone in this thinking.” – DM

    No ma’am, you aren’t.

    1. Dissident Mama

      Haven’t heard from you in a while, TL! Thanks for the backup, and here’s to we traditionalists taking down “Popeye’s and porn”: the true scourge of freedom and happiness. Merry Christmas. 🙂

  5. Daithi Dubh

    OOOOO-WEEEE, DM! The furs been a-flyin’ ’round here! At any rate, while there’s much in libertarian thought that I like, I ain’t one, basically because I believe it’s about as utopian and unrealistic as communism/socialism. Yeah, I get sick and tired of having to qualify my being a conservative, since the word, like so much of our vocabulary has been abused and hijacked, with awkward modifiers like “traditional” or “paleo”, but there it is.

    I just don’t believe we’re at a point any longer where we’re going to solve anything at the ballot box, or, God forbid, a constitutional convention of the states! I have little to any trust in what passes for the “American” “citizen” any more (Two other words, by the way, that have been hijacked and abused into near meaninglessness!). Further, we can no longer compromise on these matters. I may love a majority of Hornberger’s platform, but those principles contained therein require an actual people to hold them, not exist as abstractions and theories out there in the ether. Even the flawed Constitution in its way sought to enumerate the ancient laws and traditions of our British heritage, hearkening back to Anglo-Saxon common law, Magna Carta, The Glorious Revolution, etc. So, why should I be okay with a flood of foreigners – to include many paper Americans, and invaders from outside the South – entering in to what ought to be extended family matters (an actual nation being a people united by tradition, customs, history, and, yes, blood – an extended family!).

    As you and others have observed – again! – there ain’t no Magic DIrt that will transform these people into actual Americans caring anything about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Yorktown, The Watauga Association, etc. None of that makes us better than anyone else – Jesus had to hang on the cross as long for us as for anybody else! – but it does make us distinct; I want to pass those distinctions on to my descendants as they were handed down to me, without interference from ANYONE!

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