Tag Archives: tradition

“Virtue signaling” isn’t virtuous

“Racism is bad.” Nooo, really? “Hate is evil.” Gasp, no way! “The Klan is offensive.” Shocking! “White supremacy is unchristian.” What the heck is “white supremacy”? Oh, you mean white people who aren’t self-loathing and want to advocate for themselves and their families in our identity-politics-obsessed culture? Meh. “No Trump. No KKK. No fascist USA!” …

Strip Freeman High School of a name it doesn’t deserve

I went up to Richmond a few weekends ago, and it was utterly depressing to what extent progressive dogma reigns supreme in my old hometown. In less than a generation, that former great, conservative Southern city has been almost fully colonized by leftist carpet baggers, socialist foreigners, and Marxists of all stripes. Moreover, so many native Virginians have …

Puritans, part 1: Coming to America

Recently, Business Insider editor, MSNBC contributor, and public-radio personality Josh Barro called the left’s war on American culture “annoying.” He explained that “Liberals have supplanted conservatives as moralizing busybodies.” New York Magazine‘s Jonathan Chait even tweeted support of Barro’s “sensible thoughts,” calling out the Democrats’ supposedly new-found misadventure of “liberal sanctimony.” Funny that in all his talk condemning such “moralizing,” neo-liberal Barro went on to further pontificate …

A patriotic perspective against the Pledge

“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” — “The Pledge of Allegiance,” September 9, 1892 With Independence Day just a week ago and all the statist fervor that’s displayed annually around the holiday, I’m reminded of why I don’t say “The Pledge of Allegiance.” …

White souls aren’t worth much these days

Remember last summer when the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) banned the Confederate Battle Flag? Because, you know, of all the things going on, scapegoating an indigenous people-group and attacking their cultural and ancestral symbols is way up there with being the hands and feet of Jesus. Apparently, last year’s charade of an “apology that was needed” wasn’t penance enough for …

Dixie-cide: Reconstruction by the godless puritans

Modern progressives are just as evil in their bloodlust against the South as were William Tecumseh Sherman and Philip Sheridan. Today’s leftists may not yet be waging the shock-and-awe total warfare that the Union generals inflicted upon Southern civilians (whites and blacks alike) and their dwellings, businesses, churches, infrastructure, and food supply, but their aim …