Tag Archives: the remnant

Disavowing is the disgrace

Just as Charlottesville is eternally imprinted into the American psyche as “the deadly white-supremacist rally,” this week’s pro-Trump, anti-elite protest in Washington is successfully being tarnished as “mob violence” and “a siege.” The pearl-clutching is pretty epic, even for a postmodern people. “Trump loyalists stormed the Capitol” and “rioters breached security,” go the contrived commentaries …

The Constantine Option

Recently, my friend Robert made a heartfelt social-media post inquiring about Orthodox Christians who claim that anyone participating in political discourse is “worshiping false idols.” Here’s how I began my comment to his query. “I find that the people who promote what you’re saying most definitely have a political bent themselves. It’s just that you …

Dissident Mama, episode 9 – Jack Kerwick

Episode 9 features Jack Kerwick, whose work has appeared in both scholarly journals and popular publications including Townhall, The Agonist, BeliefNet, Abbeville Institute, The Imaginative Conservative, and Frontpage Magazine. Kerwick received his doctoral degree in philosophy from Temple University. He is a professional philosopher who teaches at several institutions in New Jersey. Kerwick’s areas of …