Tag Archives: selective outrage

Disavowing is the disgrace

Just as Charlottesville is eternally imprinted into the American psyche as “the deadly white-supremacist rally,” this week’s pro-Trump, anti-elite protest in Washington is successfully being tarnished as “mob violence” and “a siege.” The pearl-clutching is pretty epic, even for a postmodern people. “Trump loyalists stormed the Capitol” and “rioters breached security,” go the contrived commentaries …

The archetype

Well, I began my last series with a shooting, and now we have another alleged “neo-Nazi” shooting. Both the violence that unfolded in Squirrel Hill, Pennsylvania, in October, and in Christchurch, New Zealand, in mid-March make it abundantly clear that it’s not actually loss of life that’s the story. Dead Christians don’t matter If the …

Let’s see the forest for the trees, part 1

A sane, rational person can simultaneously feel sorrow over the lives lost in the recent Pittsburgh shooting and pray for their grieving families, while also critiquing the many predictable-to-extreme progressive commentaries saturating the social ether. Intellectual honesty and compassion are not mutually exclusive, even though that’s what cultural Marxists want you to think. It’s a …