Tag Archives: miseducation

No country for wise men

By Daniel B. Rundquist Just calm down already. Really. Sit down and relax. Take a breath. Turn off your television. Americans today are so on edge and hypersensitive to every soundbite we hear these days. Don’t worry that you’ll miss anything; the media vomits out another breathless panic attack inciting soundbite about every four hours. You’ll …

Disavowing is the disgrace

Just as Charlottesville is eternally imprinted into the American psyche as “the deadly white-supremacist rally,” this week’s pro-Trump, anti-elite protest in Washington is successfully being tarnished as “mob violence” and “a siege.” The pearl-clutching is pretty epic, even for a postmodern people. “Trump loyalists stormed the Capitol” and “rioters breached security,” go the contrived commentaries …