Tag Archives: media

Ilana Mercer, part 1: Roots, writing, & resistance

The tagline at Ilana Mercer’s website is “Verbal swordplay for civilization.” Ain’t that the truth. The self-described paleolibertarian has been wielding words and fighting the good fight since well before I even thought about fleeing the clutches of feminism-atheism-socialism. She’s both provocative and poignant – a difficult thing to pull off anytime, much less in …

America’s sickness, part 1

“With ignorance virtually institutionalized, how can we get man to see? Bewildered by his curious alienation from reality, he is unable to prescribe for himself, for he imagines that what he needs is more of the disease.”— Richard Weaver The coronavirus is getting people to see that Americanism is incompatible with reality. The nation-state suffers …