Tag Archives: liberty

Southern myths & legends

Editor’s note: Historian Dr. Brion McClanahan once wrote, “To many Americans, a myth denotes a lie, a fairy tale that cannot be proven. But myths are the foundation of much of our historical consciousness.” This is precisely why reformers, re-educators, and renovationists want to destroy them. Therefore, I say, never forget. By Walt Garlington Southern …

Dissident Mama, episode 49 – Ashley Rae Goldenberg

Ashley Rae Goldenberg is an independent journalist, researcher, and content creator known on social media as Communism Kills. An outspoken America Firster, she’s not only loathed by the anarcho-tyrants (evident by her permanent banishment from Twitter), but Goldenberg has also found herself in the crosshairs of the Libertarian Party and Con Inc. whose Beltway borgs …

Dissident Mama, episode 48 – Jared from Hoppean.org

Jared is the founder and proprietor of Hoppean.org, a website “dedicated to the furtherance of the ideas of Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe and his ideological forebearers.” But Jared isn’t your typical adherent of libertarianism, which he says has become “a haven for grifters, egalitarians, socialists, degenerates, and the mentally incapacitated.” Rather, he’s a self-described paleolibertarian, who …