Tag Archives: globohomo

The American Chestnut

By Grizz The American Chestnut was once the most important and valuable tree in eastern North America. Now, it is nearly extinct. This is the story of how an invasive species killed off this special tree and, in the process, helped exterminate self-sufficient agrarian life in Appalachia. The American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) is a hardwood …

Dissident Mama, episode 42 – Scott Howard

Scott Howard is the author of “The Transgender-Industrial Complex.” The native Nebraskan, whose first-ever book has been predictably banned by Amazon, uncovers the trans phenomenon by fleshing out its revolutionary foundations and wretched aims. Connecting the dots of the players and pawns, Howard demonstrates through impeccable research, and prose that is both advanced and accessible, …


With a rainbow-colored, black-power-fist emoji, Republicans like Texan John Cornyn lecture us that Juneteenth is “a history lesson that must be taught,” while libertarian Rand Paul offers up platitudes that Juneteenth is a celebration of “the inherent freedoms we share as Americans.” Man, do I feel the freedom, y’all! Kristi Noem, a supposed hero of …