Tag Archives: conformity

Loyal opposition

Did y’all catch Ben Shapiro’s diatribe in Cal a few weeks ago? It’s utterly deceitful and petty, but so beautifully illustrates the war on true conservatism as waged by neoconservatives who seek to conserve absolutely nothing. Here are some of the best tricky gems from the king of contradictions: Don’t act like victims, alt-righters. But …

Blind support

U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw has been pretty twitchy and triggered lately. The cause? American-firsters known as Groypers (fans of 21-year-old YouTuber Nick Fuentes) simply asking the Republican probing and legitimate questions about his voting record and his neocon-leaning views. Crenshaw’s strategy? Join forces with the apostate “Christian-Zionist” organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Uh, yeah, …

Public schools are killing our kids

Yes, you heard me right, folks. Certain death isn’t guaranteed, but the progressive path on which they’re led most definitely leads to undue suffering. It’s killing our youth mentally, intellectually, spiritually, and physically, and it’s killing their futures. Yet, you have North Carolina “teachers” ditching their responsibilities last week to march in Raleigh to “demand …

KKKlown world

We are officially living in clown world. Exhibit A: According to Right Wing Watch and other proponents of progressive hegemony, calling our nihilistic society “clown world” is now deemed “racist.” You know, just like milk. And the “okay sign,” say the paragons of anti-whiteness and anti-logic, the SPLC and the ADL. Exhibit B: The existence …

The archetype

Well, I began my last series with a shooting, and now we have another alleged “neo-Nazi” shooting. Both the violence that unfolded in Squirrel Hill, Pennsylvania, in October, and in Christchurch, New Zealand, in mid-March make it abundantly clear that it’s not actually loss of life that’s the story. Dead Christians don’t matter If the …