Tag Archives: censorship

Mob rule reigns, but everyone just wants to virtue signal

I had seriously considered going to Unite the Right (UtR). So, for many weeks I’ve been following the unfolding event, the speakers, the infighting, the city hysteria, and the legalities very closely. An orgy of virtue-signaling I’m not Monday-morning-quarterbacking, like every other person out there who just yesterday realized there was even anything of interest …

Dixie-cide: Reconstruction by the godless puritans

Modern progressives are just as evil in their bloodlust against the South as were William Tecumseh Sherman and Philip Sheridan. Today’s leftists may not yet be waging the shock-and-awe total warfare that the Union generals inflicted upon Southern civilians (whites and blacks alike) and their dwellings, businesses, churches, infrastructure, and food supply, but their aim …

Fake news, part 1: The myth of objectivity

When I was working toward my journalism degree at UW-Madison back in the ‘90s, I was taught that although objectivity is a crucial goal for all serious reporters, it must be acknowledged that we also bring our own biases and experiences to each and every story. Humans have a personal lens through which we see the world, and it colors our work. J-school students were instructed to utilize this recognition of reality when seeking out topics …

They’re not bullies, they’re barbarians

Words are important. They’re a vehicle to self-expression, so it’s really not all that surprising that co-opting language and redefining words has long been a tool used by propagandists spanning the globe. From tinpot dictators to imperial oligarchs to homegrown totalitarians, anyone who wants to seize power and dominate people knows they have to control language. The the best way …

Closed ears, closed minds

Last week during a homeschool lesson, my 8-year-old plugged his ears his with his fingers. He was done. He didn’t want to pay attention. He had decided that silence was preferable to useful information. Luckily, we worked through the obstruction, communication reconvened, and the knowledge of how nouns can become adjectives was finally imparted to my …