Tag Archives: anti-Christian

Dissident Mama, episode 42 – Scott Howard

Scott Howard is the author of “The Transgender-Industrial Complex.” The native Nebraskan, whose first-ever book has been predictably banned by Amazon, uncovers the trans phenomenon by fleshing out its revolutionary foundations and wretched aims. Connecting the dots of the players and pawns, Howard demonstrates through impeccable research, and prose that is both advanced and accessible, …

Globohomers gone wild, part 1

You’ve all had run-ins with ’em: the globohomers. This is a new breed of self-proclaimed know-it-alls who peddle the statist talking points despite the facts. Like Homer Simpson, they’re an uninquisitive lot who never look beyond mainstream opinion. Sure, puritanical-progressives have always fancied themselves as proponents of the just, despite evidence contrary to whatever is …

I mourn for Richmond, part 1: Editorial

“This weekend’s desecration at Hollywood Cemetery is morally wrong,” Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney says regarding the March 12 vandalism. “Disturbing final resting places is contemptible, criminal and will not be tolerated.” Huh. Those are some pretty disingenuous statements considering the caustic comments made by the duplicitous mayor about razing the city’s many Southern monuments which …

The American pandemic

By Daniel B. Rundquist By now everyone knows there is a pandemic sweeping across the American landscape. It started rather quietly and at first went nearly unnoticed by most of us. This pandemic soon accelerated and quickly caught the attention of the global media, our federal and state level politicians, and by our local officials. …