Tag Archives: anarcho-tyranny

Life with a Rainbow Mafioso

My children and I were recently subjected to the strong-arm tactics of the Rainbow Mafia, which shares many characteristics with the real-world mob. LGBT tyranny is coercive, powerful, debased, domineering, and greedy, all while attempting to convince those in “the family” that it’s wholesome and loving. Unlike the secretive and illegal underworld of organized-crime syndicates, …

The archetype

Well, I began my last series with a shooting, and now we have another alleged “neo-Nazi” shooting. Both the violence that unfolded in Squirrel Hill, Pennsylvania, in October, and in Christchurch, New Zealand, in mid-March make it abundantly clear that it’s not actually loss of life that’s the story. Dead Christians don’t matter If the …

Let’s see the forest for the trees, part 1

A sane, rational person can simultaneously feel sorrow over the lives lost in the recent Pittsburgh shooting and pray for their grieving families, while also critiquing the many predictable-to-extreme progressive commentaries saturating the social ether. Intellectual honesty and compassion are not mutually exclusive, even though that’s what cultural Marxists want you to think. It’s a …

Allen Armentrout, part 3: Humility and hope

One year ago today, Allen Armentrout took a rebel stand in Charlottesville, Virginia (see part 1). The world deemed his peaceful and principled actions as racist and traitorous. Like cultural-Marxist clockwork, the politically correct ramifications (see part 2) immediately began unfolding for the unReconstructed Southerner. “Sad thoughts … are necessary and good for us. They cause …